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About Relais & Châteaux
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From Baltimore to Charleston, a slice of American History
6 Nights
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Price of a local call

On this itinerary that takes the traveler to the cradle of American history, you’ll visit the site that inspired the writing of The Star-Spangled Banner, America's National Anthem, journey along Lafayette's Scenic Byway, experience the White House and National Mall in Washington DC, and tour the former home of President Thomas Jefferson in Charlottesville. As you journey nearly 600 miles across four states, the East Coast will reveal its heritage...

This route was created by Patrick O'Connell, Owner and Chef of the Inn at Little Washington Learn more.
105 miles
281 miles
281 miles
1 Baltimore — 1 Night
Hotel + Restaurant
Exterior of Ivy Hotel

The Ivy Hotel

Baltimore - Maryland, United States 17 rooms

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Hotel and restaurant in town. The morning coffee enjoyed in the courtyard, the tea served by the fireplace in winter, the library, the music room with its piano: The Ivy is as welcoming as a private home. Built at the end of the 19th century and recently renovated, this beautiful mansion melts perfectly into the historic and prestigious Mount Vernon district, with turrets rising above the trees. Behind the ivy-clad walls and high shining windows this charming boutique hotel is structured around a magnificent staircase, covered by the original skylights, which leads to the guest rooms. In the evening, guests will appreciate the cuisine of Magdalena, one of Baltimore’s finest restaurants. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 720
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On the route

Visit Old Town Alexandria...

Visit Old Town Alexandria...

Head out of Washington DC toward Old Town Alexandria, where the 18th century meets modern day tourism. Stroll the 250-year-old cobblestone and brick streets that lead you past boutiques, antique shops and endless cuisine options. The Hard Times Cafe is home to world famous chili and the famous Chili...

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105 miles
281 miles
281 miles
2 Washington — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
Main Inn Front Sept 22

The Inn at Little Washington

Washington - Virginia, United States 20 rooms - 3 villas

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Restaurant and hotel in the country. Patrick O’Connell abandoned his dream of becoming an actor for cooking and the “living theater” of the restaurant world. Just an hour’s drive from Washington DC, this sumptuous hideaway nestled at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains is a world-renowned destination for gourmets in the know. The menu spotlights Chef O’Connell’s spectacular, refined American dishes, like carpaccio of herb-crusted baby lamb with Caesar salad ice cream, served in dining rooms whose inspired décor creates a wondrous cocoon of luxury. The Inn’s rooms and suites are aptly named after America’s culinary pioneers, and opulent lounges complete the transformation to an idyllic fantasy world. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
3 Michelin Stars 2024
(from) US$ 642
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The Inn Shops

The Inn Shops

Every good vacation needs a good shopping excursion. Located within walking distance from the Inn at Little Washington are the Inn Shops, part of the Old Tavern. Built in 1740, the Colonial building features a series of five decorated period rooms that showcase one-of-a-kind tableware, jewelry, antiques,...

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On the route

The residences of the Presidents, Charlotesville

The residences of the Presidents, Charlotesville

A registered Unesco World Heritage site, Monticello is not just the old residence of the President Thomas Jefferson, the Father of the Declaration of Independence; it is also an architectural masterpiece with 43 rooms which is accompanied by some of the finest gardens in the country. The fifth President...

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105 miles
281 miles
281 miles
3 Pittsboro — 1 Night
Hotel + Restaurant

The Fearrington House

Pittsboro - North Carolina, United States 32 rooms

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Restaurant and hotel in the country. Midway between the nation’s capital and the historic port of Charleston lies Fearrington House Inn, Restaurant and Spa. The hotel has a relaxed agrarian feel yet cosmopolitan spirit, surrounded by pastures with rare Belted Galloway cows and nestled among exquisite shops and restaurants. Guests can stroll the extensive grounds, enjoy author readings and culinary events, indulge in a spa treatment, browse the boutiques and taste a local brew at a seasonal beer garden or wine and cheese at the wine shop. Not to mention Chef Paul Gagne’s exceptional southern-influenced European cuisine, all just a short drive from Chapel Hill, Raleigh and Durham. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 425
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NC Museum of Art

NC Museum of Art

After a light lunch at the Belted Goat, visit the stunning new NC Museum of Art in Raleigh - In 2010, this important Southern art institution reopened in a new home - a 65,000 square foot modernist marvel that has gotten rave reviews. The wide ranging collection includes the Southeast's finest collection...

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On the route

Lafayette's Tour

Lafayette's Tour

As you make your way south toward Planters Inn, head along the Lafayette's Tour Scenic Byway, where you'll see some of North Carolina's oldest and most historic plantations and southern architecture. Named for General Lafayette of France who followed the route during his tour of the country in 1825,...

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105 miles
281 miles
281 miles
4 Charleston — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant

Planters Inn

Charleston - South Carolina, United States 64 rooms

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Hotel and restaurant in town. Holding court in the very heart of Charleston’s famed Historic District, the 64-room Planters Inn is the city’s iconic grande dame hotel. Uniformed doormen welcome every arrival, ushering guests into a sanctuary of elegant style and genteel service inside the gloriously restored circa 1844 building. Soaring ten-foot ceilings, dozens of working fireplaces, and a stunning collection of antiques and Baker Historic Charleston décor, including a sumptuous four poster bed in every guest room, create a luxurious ambiance described by Travel + Leisure magazine as "akin to an overnight with well-to-do friends in their old Charleston mansion." There’s also more to Planters Inn than meets the eye: A hidden courtyard illuminated by flickering carriage lanterns provides a beguiling entry to Peninsula Grill, the city’s foremost dining experience. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 336
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The Beer Garden and restaurant

The Beer Garden and restaurant

After your walk through the south's most stunning gardens, enjoy the English Afternoon Tea at the Inn or if you are in the mood for more casual atmosphere, head over to Roost, the Beer Garden. Don't worry if brew isn't meant for your palette -- Roost offers a selection of wines by Fearrington...

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Texts : © Gallimard Loisirs