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About Relais & Châteaux
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Guatemala & Costa Rica: wonders of Central America
8 Nights
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Price of a local call

What does the notion of heritage signify? A voyage through Guatemala and Costa Rica provides a resounding answer to this question as you discover pre-Columbian gold and the enchanting riches of their natural landscapes. You’ll especially discover the refined civilizations of yesteryear, as well as the fierce desire of the present-day cultures to protect their unique flora and fauna.

808 miles
41 miles
55 miles
1 Santa Catarina Palopo — 3 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant

Casa Palopó

Santa Catarina Palopó - Guatemala 15 rooms - 1 villa

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Hotel and restaurant on a lake. The unbroken view of Lake Atitlan and the three volcanoes overlooking it is stunning: from the infinity pool, the terraces or simply through the large bay windows. Built on a hillside, Casa Palopó has preserved a unique intimate atmosphere from its past as a private residence. Its decoration is warm, with a mix of intense colours, massive wood, crafted objects and fabrics and spaces designed to live in. You can stay at the library, in the loungers or in the candle light of the dining room, dreaming of the next escape to the magnificent nature or the discovery of the Maya culture. ... Learn moreless

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(from) US$ 240
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The timeless city of Antigua

The timeless city of Antigua

The enduring city of Antigua has resisted earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, and the (temporary) evacuation of its entire population. Huddled between three volcanoes, the former capital seems even more beautiful today. Enjoy the fortuitous opportunity to stroll among the colonial vestiges of the...

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808 miles
41 miles
55 miles
2 San Jose — 1 Night

San José, eternal springtime in the capital

San José

In the heart of Central Valley, at 1,150 meters altitude, San José enjoys mild spring weather all year round. The city only became the capital in 1823 and to visitors, remains a "new" city. However, in the shade of the skyscrapers are some magnificent buildings from the 19th century, vestiges of the colonial era. San José is the perfect introduction to the country's culture, thanks to its excellent museums. ... Learn moreless

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Discover the Pre-Columbian Gold Museum

Discover the Pre-Columbian Gold Museum

Some 1,600 gold artifacts crafted between 500 BC and the arrival of the Spaniards (beginning of the 16th century) have been gathered together to form the collections of the Pre-Columbian Gold Museum, which is owned by the country's Central Bank. Fine jewelry pieces and ornaments lay alongside everyday...

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808 miles
41 miles
55 miles
3 Bajos del Toro — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
Aerial View

El Silencio Lodge & Spa

Bajos del Toro - Costa Rica 17 rooms - 3 villas

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Hotel and restaurant in the woods. Nestled in Costa Rica’s central highlands, this sophisticated eco-lodge and spa offers a gateway to the splendours of the tropical cloud forest. Sliding glass doors guarantee breathtaking views of lush picture-book vegetation, emerging from the clouds. Suites blend into the landscape and offer unrivalled mountain or river views from rocking chairs on a private deck. All are spacious, decorated in natural tones and boast a private outdoor heated whirlpool. The soothing atmosphere of peaceful wellness is in perfect harmony with the property’s magnificent surroundings. The restaurant highlights ingredients sourced from its organic mini-farm, serving dishes inspired by traditional Costa Rican cuisine. ... Learn moreless

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(from) US$ 472.50
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Bathe in the Arenal Volcano hot springs

Bathe in the Arenal Volcano hot springs

The area surrounding the Arenal Volcano provides countless opportunities to immerse yourself in hot springs with water temperatures varying between 90 and 152 degrees. A suitable location for thermal baths, numerous hot springs have thus been developed at the foot of the volcano. You can pass from one...

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808 miles
41 miles
55 miles
4 La Fortuna de San Carlos — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant

Nayara Springs

La Fortuna de San Carlos - Costa Rica 0 rooms - 1 villa

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Hotel and restaurant in the woods. In the heart of Costa Rica's tropical rainforest, you will find the luxurious and award-winning independent villas of Nayara Springs. Set against the backdrop of the Arenal Volcano, the property is home to a fabulously lush world of flora and fauna. A footbridge that discreetly crosses the jungle is the main access to this private resort located at the edge of the national park. Blending both modern and exotic elements, each villa enjoys its own private plunge pool fed by natural mineral thermal waters flowing down from the Arenal Volcano. The spa overlooking the forest is a true sanctuary of serenity. Perfect for a romantic retreat, you will also find this to be a land of adventures set amid the forest canopy, toucans, sloths, and lava fields. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 800
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Along the water’s edge: The Caño Negro Wildlife Refuge

Along the water’s edge: The Caño Negro Wildlife Refuge

A paradise for fishing enthusiasts, the Caño Negro Wildlife Refuge is an immense wetlands consisting of intertwining jungle, rivers and canals. In 1991, it was awarded the honorific title of “Wetlands of International Importance”. As you wind your way along in a canoe or small boat, you’ll discover rare...

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Photos : NNehring ; Dallas Krentzel [CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/)] ; TriiipleThreat [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.fr)] Pixabay [CC0 1.0 (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.en)] ; Gérald C. [CC BY-SA 4.0] https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en)] ; Koppas [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.fr)] ; Edgar José Rosero Villacís [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en)] ; diego_cue [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)]Josuadaniel [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.es)]