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Explore the mountains in Engadin
4 Nights
A concierge is at your service:
Price of a local call

In eastern Switzerland, the Engadin is home to endless unspoiled natural sites in the middle of the Grison Alps. During the summer it’s the perfect place for outdoor sports, among gorges and valleys, lakes and rivers. Come winter, the peaks are snowcapped and perfect for skiing down! 

16 miles
23 miles
26 miles
1 Pontresina — 1 Night
Hotel + Restaurant
Aussenansicht Sommer Hotel Walther
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Juniorsuite Zimmer 6
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Double room superior parquet
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant

Hotel Walther

Pontresina - Switzerland 70 rooms

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant in the mountains. Enjoy the relaxed, modern atmosphere of this family-run grand hotel. At Hotel Walther, hospitality has been a top priority for three generations, elevated all the more by the fresh and lively new look that the foyer, reception, lobby, restaurants, bar and smoker’s lounge received in 2017. From the comfort of a deck chair or up close during a hike, the surrounding mountainscape is nothing short of breathtaking. The oldest mountain village in Switzerland, Pontresina is home to this fascinating natural beauty as well as an array of sporting and cultural activities year-round. Be it relaxing in the harmonious Aqua Viva spa or savouring a diverse selection of dishes at any of the restaurants, you decide what is best for you. The possibilities are endless. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 223.48
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Close to the property

Segantini Museum, Saint-Moritz

Segantini Museum, Saint-Moritz

Painter Giovanni Segantini (1858–1899), whose ever-popular work demonstrated unique luminosity, died at his cabin in Schafberg. Before turning to symbolism, Segantini captured the mountains of the Alps like few artists before him. Masterfully displayed under the museum’s dome, his famous Alpine Triptych...

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Piero Peduzzi butcher's shop in Savognin

Piero Peduzzi butcher's shop in Savognin

Savognin is a small village located at an altitude of 1 200m and in particular has an amazing butcher's shop. People come from far and wide to try the typical Swiss cooked meats by Piero Peduzzi. The artisan butcher is the owner of a small abattoir. You'll feel like you have been transported to the old...

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Voyage on the Glacier Express

Voyage on the Glacier Express

Whether in summer or winter, this train promises to take you on an unforgettable journey between Zermatt and Saint-Moritz. For seven hours, mountainous landscapes, immense valleys and steep-sided gorges follow one another. The ride extends over 91 tunnels and 291 bridges. Take the train on a clear day...

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16 miles
23 miles
26 miles
2 Brail — 1 Night
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Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
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Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant

In Lain Hotel Cadonau

Brail - Switzerland 14 rooms

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Restaurant and hotel in the mountains. A wonderful mountain landscape sets the scene for this beautiful inn, which has preserved its classic Engadine style for over 450 years. The latest buildings blend in harmoniously; their modern lines, clad in natural wood, draw inspiration from the surrounding pine and larch forests. This peaceful, quiet and welcoming address is the work of a family, the Cadonau. Whether as hoteliers, cooks or carpenters, several generations of its members passionately bring their talents to the table. Chef Dario Cadonau’s fine cuisine is based on fresh seasonal ingredients and gracefully sways from hearty mountain specialities and gourmet classics to surprises. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
1 Michelin Star 2024
(from) US$ 521.82
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On the route

Le Parc National Suisse à Zernez, pionnier en Europe

Le Parc National Suisse à Zernez, pionnier en Europe

Immersing yourself in the unspoiled natural surroundings of the first national park in Europe provides a golden opportunity to see unusual specimens of Alpine flora and fauna. In a protected area located between 4,600and 10,500 feet above sea level, species formerly on the brink of extinction, including...

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Sur les pas d'Ursli, l'enfant des montagnes à Guarda

Sur les pas d'Ursli, l'enfant des montagnes à Guarda

The village of Guarda, awarded the Wakker prize in 1975, is also known as Schellenursli, in tribute to the main character from the famous children’s book and eponymous film. The sgraffito on the 17th century houses in the Engadine region served as inspiration for this fairy tale, which has helped keep...

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Couvent bénédictin Saint-Jean-des-Sœurs, Müstair

Couvent bénédictin Saint-Jean-des-Sœurs, Müstair

The monastery founded in the 8th century by Charlemagne features on UNESCO's World Heritage List. A perfect example of Carolingian architecture, the monastery is home to the most spectacular wall paintings from the early Middle Ages. Formerly a Benedictine monastery, then a women's abbey in the 12th...

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16 miles
23 miles
26 miles
3 Tarasp — 1 Night
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant

Schlosshotel Chastè

Tarasp - Switzerland 18 rooms

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Hotel and restaurant in the mountains. Schlosshotel Chastè is brimming with character and set in particularly peaceful surroundings, at the foot of Tarasp Castle in the Engadin, a region renowned for its national parks and stunning mountain landscapes. This former farm turned into a modern and comfortable inn, managed by Daniela, Rudolf and Gian-Andrea Pazeller, embodies all that is gentle about Switzerland: the warmly welcoming living and guest rooms are panelled in Alpine pine in traditional fashion. The spa offers a variety of regenerating saunas. Its inventive cuisine is served with superb wines from the cellar in bright, friendly dining rooms. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 442.42
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Close to the property

Tarasp Castle

Tarasp Castle

This is a fortified sentinel set on a hilltop. The castle stands over the houses in the village of Tarasp like a mother broods over her children. Built in the 11th century in the Austrian style, it was fully restored in the early 20th century. Besieged many times down through the centuries, it was never...

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Musée de Basse-Engadin, vieille ville de Plaz

Musée de Basse-Engadin, vieille ville de Plaz

The museum promises to take history buffs on an extraordinary trip back in time. The Chà Gronda, the large patrician property that houses it, is comprised of buildings dating from the Middle Ages and early 18th century, with enough character to be of architectural interest in itself. Specializing in...

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16 miles
23 miles
26 miles
4 Samnaun — 1 Night
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant

Chasa Montana Hotel & Spa

Samnaun - Switzerland 45 rooms

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant in the mountains. Chasa Montana, in the heart of the village of Samnaun, has all the attractions of a beautiful mountain chalet. It boasts a wealth of delightful places to simply linger: under the shady parasols on the terrace, in the seclusion of a private balcony or in the superb spa overlooking the mountains. The hotel’s restaurants offer a variety of fare, from gourmet cuisine at La Miranda to delicious cheese raclette and fondue at La Grotta, which can be paired with any of the 1,400-plus vintages from around the world featured on the wine list. Maître de maison Daniel Eisner and the hotel’s sommeliers will be delighted to give you a private guided tour of the exceptional wine cellar where you can discover more than 20,000 bottles. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 390.23
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Close to the property

Coucher de soleil sur les cimes de la Silvretta

Coucher de soleil sur les cimes de la Silvretta

Twice a week on Thursdays and Fridays, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., you can go and watch the fiery sky above the mountain peaks. Take the double-decker tram to the top of the mountains. Sunset over the Silvretta Ski Arena is a unique sight to behold. End the day by taking an atmospheric walk through the forest...

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Visite de la laiterie de Samnaun

Visite de la laiterie de Samnaun

Experiencing the gourmet heritage of this vacation resort is a delicious way to get to know a region. The dairy in Samnaun lets you do just that, sharing the secrets of how it makes its cheeses. Established in 1960, the dairy produces cheeses, yogurts and butter before your very eyes, using milk from...

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