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139 Routes du Bonheur, itineraries to discover the world

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10 Routes du Bonheur
United States (West / Hawaii)
United States
The Legendary West, trip across The Rockies
Travel along the Rocky Mountains for 10 days, from Montana to Colorado via Wyoming, while following in the footsteps of the American pioneers. Walk, climb, ski or fish in landscapes as sublime as they are infinite. A paradise for thrill-seekers!
11 Nights

City, sea, mind-blowing food and culture: British Columbia has it all
Who better to curate a travel itinerary than the founder of the Zagat Survey? Tim Zagat’s seven-hour British Columbia adventure begins in Vancouver, one of North America’s most vibrant and diverse cities—heaven for foodies like Zagat. The energetic pulse of the city is followed by a full immersion in the region’s spectacular natural beauty, from picturesque islands to rugged cliffs rising majestically above the sea.
5 Nights

The Greater South West
From Bordeaux to the Basque Country: city, surf and sun
A ten-day trip along the Atlantic coast means treating yourself to a city break exploring the streets of Bordeaux and moments of celebration and pure adrenaline on the beaches of the Basque Country. Because behind the vineyards and pine forests, the ocean waves offer a unique playground for surfers...
9 Nights

The Greater South West
From Bordeaux to the Aubrac: sport, countryside and traditions
Escaping for a week's travel between New Aquitaine and Occitania is to discover the traditions, gastronomy, and some of the most sublime landscapes in Southwest France. These territories are stubbornly turned towards nature, and here, perhaps more than anywhere else, people live in harmony with it.
5 Nights

Savoy / Mont Blanc
Around Annecy, board sports and fine foods
This mountain region has lots to offer in summer as well as in winter. There are almost as many fans of hiking and mountain biking as there are skiers on the slopes. Board sports country (lots to try on Lake Annecy), and gastronomy country with cheeses and fine patisserie one as excellent as the another...
5 Nights

Languedoc / Provence
Provence by bike
Relais & Châteaux partners up with Ride & More to offer you the opportunity to discover Provence by bike. During four days of cycling, all your senses will come alive amidst landscapes mixing lavender and olive trees, ochre and limestone. From one hilltop village to another, you’ll enjoy a postcard view of France to contemplate while pedaling along...
4 Nights

France, Switzerland, Italy
Around Mont Blanc
France, Italy and Switzerland all look towards Mont-Blanc (15,775 ft.), Europe's majestic summit. Depending on the slope, the valley, and the season, the massif reinvents itself. For the ten days, some people may prefer long summer walks, while others opt for the endlessly varied ski slopes...
10 Nights

French Riviera / Corsica
Family paradises in the South of France
For two short weeks, Relais & Châteaux offers you the opportunity to combine relaxing moments by the swimming pool with cultural visits and outdoor activities with the children on this beautiful itinerary, from the French Riviera to the Luberon massif...
12 Nights

Explore the mountains in Engadin
In eastern Switzerland, the Engadin is home to endless unspoiled natural sites in the middle of the Grison Alps. During the summer it’s the perfect place for outdoor sports, among gorges and valleys, lakes and rivers. Come winter, the peaks are snowcapped and perfect for skiing down! 
4 Nights

A trip along the Arlberg pass
Both sides of the legendary Arlberg pass between Vorarlberg and Tyrol, the cradle of Austrian alpine skiing. One of the first alpine ski resorts, St. Anton, is world renowned for its skiing with 86 lifts spread across an ski area that reaches altitudes of up to 2,650 m.
6 Nights