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148 Routes du Bonheur, itineraries to discover the world

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21 Routes du Bonheur
United States (East)
United States
From Rhode Island to Cape Cod, a journey into elegance
Leaving New York and traveling for a week along the New England coast to the Cape Cod Peninsula is to escape the human hustle and bustle and (re)discover the most sublime scenery of the East Coast. Landscapes that only painters and poets have known how to truly capture...
6 Nights

United States (East)
United States
Massachusetts, two treasure islands
Five days visiting the islands of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket could very well be the definition of a "getaway". Escape into the heart of small chic and timeless villages, walk along unspoiled beaches and cliffs, all far from the mainland...
4 Nights

Picture-Postcard Ireland
Ireland is much more than an island: It is a world apart with historic traditions, quaint customs, and unspoiled landscapes not found anywhere else on earth. From east to west, Relais & Châteaux has designed a one-week itinerary that takes you through all the beauty of southern Ireland.
7 Nights

Peru : through Peru's most beautiful sites
My Route du Bonheur… through Peru's most beautiful sites : Lima, Machu Picchu, Cusco
8 Nights

Loire Valley
From Versailles to the Loire Valley, a royal odyssey
Embark on a five-night adventure back in time to discover the kings and queens of France, leading from Louis XIV and his crowning glory, the Palace of Versailles, and back to Louis XII who, after living at the Château d'Amboise, established the Château de Blois as the favorite residence of French sovereigns during the Renaissance.
5 Nights

A Scandinavian Triptych, by water
How can you fail to be seduced by the atmosphere, landscapes, architecture or light of Scandinavian? From Copenhagen to Stockholm via the majestic Norwegian fjords, this eleven-night trip is a perfect introduction to the northernmost region of Europe, in any season.
11 Nights

The Greater South West
Through the vineyards of Bordeaux and New Aquitaine
Is one week enough to discover the diversity of the vineyards of Bordeaux and Cognaçais? Maybe not, but it will delight the senses of all oenologists and wine enthusiasts. Because here, before tasting the great vintages, we take the time to contemplate their terroir...
5 Nights

Loire Valley
A journey along the water, between the châteaux of the Loire Valley
Floating down the Loire River for a week is to discover an illustrious part of French history along the way, that of the kings and the greatest artists and craftsmen. Even today, the castles of the Loire Valley remain the ultimate meeting point between culture and the art of living, architecture and artistic gardens.   
4 Nights

Crossing the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Relais & Châteaux invites you on an eight-night journey across the Netherlands, from the Geul Valley to the northern island of Texel–a trip for taking in sublime landscapes of windmills, lighthouses, ancient tombs, and rainbow-colored tulip fields.
8 Nights

Lyon / Rhone Valley
The National Road 7, the legendary French road
Even today, the southern part of the N7 still hides its most intimate secrets behind majestic lanes of plane trees. Relais & Châteaux invites you on a week to discover them via little detours along the Rhone valley. An invitation to taste the great wines and flavors of southern France...
5 Nights