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146 Routes du Bonheur, itineraries to discover the world

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11 Routes du Bonheur
United States (East)
United States
New York to Washington, gastronomy inspired by nature
This is a journey to the heart of culinary excellence! One week between New York City and the capital Washington DC, sampling seasonal menus by nature-loving chefs. Daniel Boulud, Jean-Georges Vongerichten, Thomas Keller, Gabriel Kreuther, Daniel Humm, Patrick O'Connell... so many names have helped put the East Coast on the gastronomic map. 
5 Nights

United States (West / Hawaii)
United States
Napa Valley Wine Country and San Francisco
This little piece of California has an air of Tuscany about it. Explore Napa Valley at your leisure, stopping at wineries along the Silverado Trail. Will five days be enough?
5 Nights

The South of Ireland, a gourmet destination
From Dublin in the east, to Kenmare in the southwest of the island, embark on 10 delicious days of tasting whiskey, beer, salmon, beef, lamb and seafood. Between its culinary traditions and inventive contemporary cuisine, Ireland has established itself in recent years as a real destination for gourmands and foodies.
9 Nights

Destination restaurants and sustainable seafood
Inspired by the sea and sustainable fishing, Grand Chefs all along the French coast vie to outdo one another's talent and creativity as they prepare the catch of the day. Each chef has his own go-to places, fishermen, wholesale fish merchants and fishmongers. You’ll discover many of them on your sea-themed journey...
5 Nights

An immersion into Belgian gastronomy
A week-long trip from Brussels to Sint-Truiden, in the east of the country, savoring the classic dishes of Belgian gastronomy along the way, taking in visits to breweries, museums and beautiful Michelin-starred restaurants. Belgium is a culinary destination firmly on the map…
5 Nights

Burgundy / Franche-Comté
Burgundy-Franche-Comté, immersed in history and gastronomy
Treat yourself to a five-day getaway to the heart of the Burgundy Franche-Comté region, taking in its superb chateaus and vineyards registered as world heritage sites under the classification ‘climats de Bourgogne.’ On this journey, gastronomy seamlessly blends into history.
4 Nights

Lyon / Rhone Valley
Around Lyon, stars of French gastronomy
Relais & Châteaux takes you on a trip to the heart of French gastronomy: 4 days and as many meals in the restaurants of three-star Chefs in the Michelin Guide 2020. A unique tour to discover sublime flavors.. 
4 Nights

French Riviera / Corsica
From Provence to the Mediterranean, the stars of gastronomy
From Valence to Menton, the old National 7 road, the vacation route, still offers one of the best gastronomic trips in France. For 4 days, one after the other, the cuisine of these chefs celebrated by three stars in the Michelin Guide honor Provence and the Mediterranean...
5 Nights

Gourmet pleasures from Milan to the Côte d'Azur
The frontier between northern Italy and southern France is often but a sweet illusion! The inhabitants on both sides of the border swear by the same products and indulge in the same culinary pleasures. This week-long journey is tailored to food lovers, epicureans, and connoisseurs of truffles, Mediterranean vegetables, fish, and fine wines...
7 Nights

Flavors of Tuscany and Umbria
To travel through Tuscany and Umbria is to explore enchanting landscapes, discover magnificent villas and abbeys, and delight in some of the finest delicacies of northern Italy: truffles, prosciutto, pastries, fine wines. Eight days of splendor and gourmet tours starting in Florence.
7 Nights