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From fortified citadels to heavenly islands, discover the maritime treasures of Dalmatia
7 Nights
A concierge is at your service:
Price of a local call

Bathed by the crystalline waters of the Adriatic, the Dalmatian coast is full of delightfully unspoilt small paradises dotted along the coast. Between the sea and the mountains, Zadar, a charming stopover that has preserved the vestiges of a past full of art and history sets the tone for this wonderful odyssey.  After reaching the coastal city of Split, set sail to drop anchor on the islands of Hvar and Korčula, two islands with a rich cultural, natural and wine-growing heritage, ready to reveal all their secrets to you.

125 miles
85 miles
86 miles
1 Zadar — 1 Night
Hotel + Restaurant

Hotel Bastion Zadar

Zadar - Croatia (Hrvatska) 27 rooms

This property is open.

Restaurant and hotel in town. The tiny town of Zadar, sheltered behind its city walls, at the edge of the Adriatic, exercises its many charms: tiny cobbled roads, ancient ruins and treasures from the Renaissance await the visitor. Hotel Bastion was built in this historic centre, at the tip of the peninsula, on the remains of a former 13th century Venetian mediaeval fortress. The town’s main monuments are very close by, including the sea organs. This charming hotel offers elegant rooms, a cosy bar, a spa which has retained some of the original fortress walls, and a restaurant with delicious Mediterranean cuisine that can also be served on the terrace, in the shade of large parasols. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 168.22
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Maraschino, Zadar's traditional liquor

Maraschino, Zadar's traditional liquor

After discovering the old town of Zadar, why not go to the terrace of a cafe and order the local speciality: Maraschino is liquor (25°) made from sour cherries which have already been referred to by Balzac in his novel called A start in life (1842).

125 miles
85 miles
86 miles
2 Stari Grad — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant

Maslina Resort

Stari Grad - Croatia (Hrvatska) 50 rooms - 3 villas

This property is temporarily closed. Reopening on 30/04/2025

Hotel and restaurant on the seafront. It is said that beauty is a promise of happiness; this sentiment takes on its full meaning at the magnificent Maslina Resort. Located in Stari Grad, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this vast property hosts a number of rooms as well as several suites and villas, all of which boast seafront living spaces with private gardens or pools. Founded on the principles of ecologically responsible hotel management, the property is dedicated to preserving the pristine environment and cultural heritage of the island of Hvar. Its sustainably built accommodations stretch along the Adriatic Sea, where enchanting vineyards converse with charming olive groves under an exalted azure sky. On warm summer days, this elegant Dalmatian setting, nestled in a pine forest, enjoys a refreshing breeze that brings with it an undeniable sense of calm and repose, offering guests a glimpse of eternal bliss. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 542.65
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Rendezvous at the Lavender Festival (Velo Grablje)

Rendezvous at the Lavender Festival (Velo Grablje)

Each year during the last days of June, the small town of Velo Grablje organizes its Lavender Festival. Two days are spent honoring the local history and landscapes. The island of Hvar has long been one of the leading centers of lavender in the world. And although the cultivation of this plant famous...

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125 miles
85 miles
86 miles
3 Korčula — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
1 - Marko Sitar - Les?ic? Dimitri P alace - HD Landscape Cover photo

Lešić Dimitri Palace

Korčula - Croatia (Hrvatska) 1 room - 5 villas

This property is annually closed. Reopening on 15/04/2025

Hotel and restaurant on the seafront. People say that the Silk Road started from this island; Korčula has good reason to be proud to be home to Marco Polo's house, a stone’s throw from Lešić Dimitri Palace. The building's history dates back to the 17th century, when the Lešić family, rich property owners and merchants combined a number of semi-detached houses to create a palace worthy of that name. It has been meticulously renovated yet with a touch of contemporary design; its historical character and original layout have been retained and it now offers a small number of independent suites. Each evokes a step in Marco Polo's journey towards China, in a harmonious décor, with top-quality materials. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
1 Michelin Star 2024
(from) US$ 504.66
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Marco Polo's birthplace, Korčula

Marco Polo's birthplace, Korčula

Marco Polo is said to have been born in the city in 1254 - other towns also claim the birth of the great traveller - which was then part of the Republic of Venice. For us there is no doubt about it! A museum is housed in the former home of the Polo family: a narrow tower with dizzying views. Maps, portraits...

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125 miles
85 miles
86 miles
4 Orebić — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant

Villa Korta Katarina & Winery

Orebić - Croatia (Hrvatska) 8 rooms - 1 villa

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant on the seafront. While travelling through the region on a humanitarian mission in 2001, philanthropists Lee and Penny Anderson found their way to the Croatian city of Orebić. It was love at first sight — a place where they could bring together both their passion for wine and their admiration for exquisite Dalmatian hospitality. Standing proudly like an oppidum atop a hill, Villa Korta Katarina rises above the Adriatic and surrounding vineyards with undeniable majesty. Its rooms and suites, each boasting sea views, offer modernity in a setting of classical elegance. With a soothing palette of pale blue, grey, white and cream, their decor is a reflection of the fascinating Pelješac Peninsula and its skies of enchanting pastel hues. ... Learn moreless

(from) US$ 868.24
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Discovering Croatian wines

Discovering Croatian wines

Although local wine growing and winemaking date back to the Greek and Roman civilizations, Croatian wines have undergone a true renaissance in the last twenty years. Many wineries on the Pelješac peninsula are now producing quality wines that thrive in this sun-drenched land. The local grape varieties...

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Photos: © Miha Arh on Unsplash, Sasa_Prizmic, Nolte Lourens, NIKOLARADOVANI, Villa Korta Katarina, Honza Beran (CC BY 2.5 [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/deed.en]), Hvar Tourist Board