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About Relais & Châteaux
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Between the shores and mountains of Catalonia
3 Nights
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Price of a local call

Catalonia reveals itself gradually, from Barcelona to the Pyrenean foothills: The road traces the graceful curves of the Mediterranean shores past secret coves and calanques before turning discreetly inland. You will go from Gaudí to Dalí in the streets of beautiful Figueras. The world of art gradually gives way to mountain landscapes dotted with enchanting medieval villages. The madness of Las Ramblas seems a distant dream when facing the majestic summits of Pedraforca.

80 miles
134 miles
1 Barcelona — 1 Night
Hotel + Restaurant

Hotel Neri

Barcelona - Spain 22 rooms - 1 villa

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Hotel and restaurant in town. One of the impressive façades of the Neri, tucked away in the heart of the romantic Gothic district, gives onto Sant Felip Neri square, a magical place with Gothic edifices and the church where Gaudí used to come to pray every day. This hotel was created when, in the 18th century, two mansions merged – one dating from the Middle Ages. It boasts a delightful décor, blending period features with ultra-modern design. The chef creates a Mediterranean cuisine with a seasonal menu in this private, welcoming restaurant. At the top of the building, “Roba Estesa” is an oasis in the city, where you can enjoy vistas of the city at nightfall, while trying delicious tapas. ... Learn moreless

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(from) US$ 382.54
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Picasso Museum, Barcelona

Picasso Museum, Barcelona

At the very heart of the Barrio Gótico, the Museu Picasso houses some 4,000 pieces from the artist, including many early works, made between 1890 and 1917. The collection includes paintings, ceramics, beautiful engravings and other lithographs. When you arrive at the museum, before climbing the stairs,...

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80 miles
134 miles
2 Torrent — 1 Night
Hotel + Restaurant
Mas Torrent146759

Mas de Torrent Hotel & Spa

Torrent - Spain 38 rooms - 1 villa

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Hotel and restaurant in the country. The Mas de Torrent is located in the heart of Empordà, the most authentic and chic region on the Costa Brava, with its beautiful beaches and little medieval villages, in between olive and cypress trees. This 18th century masía delights with its spectacular views, delightful gardens and impeccable, attentive service. The welcoming interior is home to both classical and contemporary suites, some with their own private pool. Two extraordinary restaurants and the Mas Spa make for a magical stay. Don’t miss the treasures in a region so beloved by the artist Salvador Dalí: Cadaqués, Pals, Peratallada and Sant Martí d’Empúries. ... Learn moreless

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(from) US$ 308.73
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In the footsteps of Dali and Josep Pla

In the footsteps of Dali and Josep Pla

The locality of Torrent is part of Empordà, a historical region of Catalonia that is divided into two: an upper part and a lower part. Above, there are mountains exposed to the wind; below there are low plains that have inspired surrealists, such as Dali. It is said that the landscape has both a male...

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80 miles
134 miles
3 Lladurs — 1 Night
Hotel + Restaurant
La Vella Farga piscine

La Vella Farga

Lladurs - Spain 14 rooms

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Hotel and restaurant in the mountains. It is in the foothills of the magnificent region of the Catalan Pyrenees — a natural setting worthy of the dreamy, contemplative films of the great Andrei Tarkosvky — where lies La Vella Farga, a large traditional farmhouse and estate built in the 11th century. Like a masterpiece, the view from its vast terrace, which includes a superb infinity pool, presents a striking contrast between the gentle greens of the surrounding nature and the cool blue of the sky. An embodiment of pastoral elegance and tranquillity, the property is imbued with a sense of silence and calm that is deliciously intoxicating. The warm service and the restaurant’s innovative cuisine of local, natural ingredients only further confirm the exceptional, if not transcendental, stay that awaits. ... Learn moreless

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(from) US$ 255.72
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Aigüestortes National Park

Aigüestortes National Park

Catalonia’s only natural park, the Aigüestortes Park displays a landscape of great mountains providing unexpected might and awesome positive energy, and yet, what are we in the face of these summits that peak at more than 3,000 meters of altitude? Walk around Estany de Sant Maurici and admire the mountains’...

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Texts : © Gallimard Loisirs
Photos : Tiia Monto, Jorisvo