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139 Routes du Bonheur, itineraries to discover the world

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15 Nights

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59 Routes du Bonheur
United States (East)
United States, Canada
From Funk to Soul, travel around the Great Lakes
Take a two-week trip to the U.S.-Canada border to explore the Great Lakes of North America. A trip sure to appeal to fans of music, architecture, and wide open spaces alike!
11 Nights

United States (East)
United States
From Baltimore to Charleston, a slice of American History
Lovers of history, culture and architecture will relish this 600-mile trip to discover some of the most emblematic places in the United States. A week in the footsteps of American Presidents...
6 Nights

United States (East)
United States
From South to North Carolina: travel to another America
At least 10 days are needed to properly experience the magnificent states of South Carolina, Tennessee, and North Carolina. From historic cities to majestic mountain ranges, discover an America with a distinctive southern accent.
10 Nights

United States (East)
United States
New York, a trip from the Big Apple to Bedford
This trip represents a week-long transition between yin and yang: from the city of New York, its skyline, and its amazingly frenetic pace, to the peaceful natural environment that surrounds it. Beyond the city, New York is a state that's definitely worth a visit for its beautiful hills, forests and lakes.
4 Nights

United States (East)
United States
Maine, Quebec, and Ontario along lakes, rivers, and waterfalls
This eight-day Relais & Châteaux itinerary drifts between the northern United States and Canada, taking in the superb landscapes of Maine, Quebec, and Ontario. Happiness and geographic grandeur along the water.
8 Nights

7 Nights

United States (East)
United States
New England’s most beautiful spots
Winding through lush rolling farmland, flower-strewn meadows and golden-sand beaches, this eight-hour trip devised by renowned actor Richard Gere passes through the loveliest regions of Westchester, New York and New England. This has everything that makes summer blissful: bike rides past covered bridges and farm stands, lobster bakes by the seashore while gulls wheel overhead, canoeing on the lake.
6 Nights

United States (East)
United States
From New York to New England, discover the cradle of the American nation
Explore the cradle of the American nation over eight days between New York and New England. A unique immersion into the heart of US history and culture.
7 Nights

Canada East
Quebec, the call of nature
To escape for a week-long trip between Montreal and Quebec City is to discover the "Belle Province", its infinite landscapes, and to open yourself up to a unique culture and identity. Could Quebec be the ideal meeting point between civilization and nature?
6 Nights

From Florida to Grenada – savor charm and history
An unforgettable Relais & Châteaux trip divided between Deerfield Beach and Little Torch Key in Florida, Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic, St Mary's Parish in Antigua-and-Barbuda, Santa Lucia and L’Anse aux Épines on the island of Grenada. Heavenly locations to help you forget the vicissitudes of life...
11 Nights