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Villa Struyckenbergen
(a partir de) / noche US$ 2 457,90

Villa Struyckenbergen

Países BajosLeuvenum (Ermelo)

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Villa Struyckenbergen

Villa del establecimiento Landgoed Hotel Het Roode Koper


Villa Struyckenbergen is a private villa with 2 buildings, one main villa and one outhouse. It is located exactly on the forest edge and on the south, there is a stunning sight over heathland. By bike it is approx. 10 minutes (depending which path...)// 30 min by foot from the hotel building – Villa Size: 650sqm / 6,997sqft – 6 Private rooms with double beds (180 X 210cm), all rooms have their own private bathrooms – On the first floor there are four double rooms, on the second floor two double rooms with a two-kilometre view over the heath – The bathrooms feature bath and shower or shower – Double vanities – Makeup mirror – Hairdryer – Bathrobes and slippers – Asprey toiletries – Living room of 80sqm with oak floors – First class interiors (Roode Koper style and quality) – The living room, which can be closed off from the kitchen, is tastefully decorated with elegant furniture and comfortable sofas – Kitchen and dining room of 75sqm with Travertine floor and Miele semi-professional equipment – Luxurious sauna equipped with all facilities for total unwinding in a secondary building – Relax/living room of 60sqm – Outside heated whirlpool for 8 persons – 1 Hectare private grounds and garden – 3 Comfortable terraces – Circular fireplace – There are four additional sleeping places in the outbuilding – Maximum Occupancy: 14 Adults + 2 children (with the additional possibility to place 2 cods)


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  • Para preparar su estancia, no dude en consultar con el establecimiento Landgoed Hotel Het Roode Koper acerca de los servicios y la restauración ofrecidos en su villa o casa de vacaciones. También podrá acceder a todos los servicios y equipamientos del hotel, así como organizar sus actividades en la recepción.
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Landgoed Hotel Het Roode Koper Jhr. Dr. C.J. Sandbergweg 82
3852 PV, Leuvenum (Ermelo)
( Veluwe )
Países Bajos
14 huéspedes
6 habitaciones
6 baños
650 m2
(a partir de) / noche US$ 2 457,90
Duración mínima de la estancia: consultar calendario