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Fly Fishing Tournament

We are partnering with Chris Jolly Outdoors who will provide our Huka Lodge Fly Fishing Tournament anglers with a team of experienced and knowledgeable local guides to ensure you enjoy fantastic fishing.. Fly fishing will take place in over 25 of the best spots, in the amazing crystal-clear rivers and streams around Lake Taupo, throughout the tournament. We have also lured celebrity chef, restaurateur, author, and passionate fisherman, Al Brown, away from the kitchen (it wasn’t too difficult) to join the tournament. Al’s approach to food is all about simplicity and generosity; his dishes are a testament to uncomplicated excellence and showcase the culinary landscape of New Zealand. For Al, food is simply the vehicle for conversation, good times and creating memorable occasions. Al just loves fishing and is the author of several very popular books, Go Fish: Recipes and Stories from the New Zealand Coast being one of them. He may be persuaded to share some of his chef’s secrets with Huka Lodge Executive Chef, Paul Froggatt, who intends to show you some wonderful ways to deal with your catch when it comes time to eat it! Returning to the Lodge after all the excitement of Taupo’s famous fly-fishing, more relaxing activities await. Complementing our stunning cuisine we have a Champagne station presented by Louis Roederer on the first night. We are also very lucky to have a tutored ‘Highland Tasting’ by Tom Fastier, Glenfiddich Brand Ambassador, featuring seven rare whisky releases. One evening will be dedicated to a ‘Tour de France of Wine’ dinner with Ben Longhurst, Wine Ambassador from Eurovintage, who will closely collaborate with Chef Paul, to create a stunning food and fine French wine journey.