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Alle News

France Michelin Guide 2016: Michelin-starred Relais & Châteaux

Every year, the Michelin Guide for France reveals the gems of French gastronomy. Among them, beautiful Relais & Châteaux properties can now see the boldness and creativity of their chefs rewarded in this 2016 edition.


2 Michelin stars for Joël Robuchon at La Grande Maison de Bernard Magrez  (Bordeaux)

In Bordeaux, Joël Robuchon of La Grande Maison has just added 2 more Michelin stars to his credit. Exceptional cuisine created by the chef with the world’s most Michelin stars. By revisiting traditional French dishes with an haute couture twist, his cuisine is defined by the height of creativity. With the addition of the refined setting that is La Grande Maison, elegantly run by Bernard Magrez, and without forgetting the wine selection the property is known for with its list of no fewer than 172 grands crus.
Discover the cuisine of Joël Robuchon at La Grande Maison de Bernard Magrez in Bordeaux




2 Michelin stars for Jean-George Klein of Villa René Lalique (Wingen-sur-Moder)

A tribute to the visionary artist René Lalique, Jean-George Klein creates bold cuisine with the beauty and radiance of crystal, sharing its elegance and transparency. The plating features a rich colour palette that will light up and treat your taste buds. As Jean-George Klein would like to remind us: “Every day, I test pairings, contrasts, unlikely stories, I try, I take risks...”. And the palate reaps the rewards of this risk taking. Savoury flavours are followed by sweet, as with the “Apple, Lemon Marshmallow and Ginger Variation, Maple Syrup Parfait” or the “Opera Lalique Interpretation, Roasted Barley Ice Cream”. This refined cuisine is set within a glass room with a 360° view of lush vegetation, inviting guests on a journey to satisfy all the senses.

Discover the “crystal” flavours of Jean-Georges Klein’s cuisine at Villa René Lalique



2 Michelin stars for Julien Gatillon: Le 1920 at Chalet du Mont d’Arbois (Megève)
He has the daring of youth, the expertise of wisdom. Julien Gatillon is on first-name basis with the peaks of Megève by earning his 2nd Michelin star. It has been little over two years now, that this young chef in his thirties with a reputation for creativity has developed the menu at Chalet du Mont d’Arbois. We won't easily forget the Gulf of Genoa gamberoni with Kristal caviar, crispy jumbo pot-caught langoustines, chimney roasted Bresse Miéral chicken, or the Paris Brest and the traditional Rothschild soufflé. An exceptional culinary experience, perfectly matched to the elegance of a holiday at Chalet du Mont d’Arbois.

Discover the cuisine of Julien Gatillon at Le 1920 in Megève


1 Michelin star for Julien Dumas at the Lucas Carton restaurant (Paris)
At Place de la Madeleine in the heart of the capital, the Lucas Carton restaurant is home to the cuisine of Julien Dumas in a decor of rare elegance created by Majorelle. Here, the chef favours the product in and of itself and explains that, “Cooking is the element that ties man to the ingredients. It is pointless without a sprinkling of passion.” Certainly passionate, with an added hint of genius that sparks creativity, this talented young chef has created a confident menu with what he calls a “6-stop journey of the senses”: crispy cauliflower, scallops, Jerusalem artichoke and sorrel or veal heart sweetbreads with baby carrots.

Savour the cuisine of Julien Dumas by stepping through the doors of Lucas Carton



1 Michelin star for Philippe Labbé at L’Arnsbourg – Hôtel K (Baerenthal)

In the Vosges in L'Arnsbourg, in a dining room flooded with light, Philippe Labbé offers an inventive and gourmand cuisine. It only took a year for the unequalled chef, renowned for his talent but reserved in appearance, to receive a Michelin star. The Truffle soufflé, warm langoustines cooked in broth, egg-yolk cream with saffron or frogs legs with parsley, razor clams and parsnip purée will impress even the greatest foodies. The emotion of taste has found its place at L’Arnsbourg, where flavours perform a beautiful choreography.

Experience taste with Philippe Labbé at your side.



1 Michelin star for Jérôme Roy at the Le Cloître restaurant, Le Couvent des Minimes (Mane)

It's in Haute-Provence, in the idyllic village of Mane, that Jérôme Roy presides over the restaurant at Le Couvent des Minimes. Jérôme Roy presents refined cuisine inspired by Provençal flavours in the former cloister of the property, which is decorated in an entirely contemporary style. This is beautifully illustrated by the Provençal lamb and the cocktail of textured lemon variations. Jérôme Roy highlights that his cuisine comes straight from the heart: "Food is an encounter of cultures, senses and flavours. It is better shared when it comes from the heart."

Discover Le Cloître at Le Couvent des Minimes