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Best Hotels USA 2016: 6 Relais & Châteaux properties on the prize list

From a selection of 1,775 properties on American soil, 50 were selected by the U.S. News & World Report's Best Hotels 2016. 6 Relais & Châteaux properties feature in the prestigious prize list. Georgia, Virginia, Colorado, New Mexico, and California are given pride of place, as well as nature, gastronomy, and easy living!


The Lodge at Sea Island : a golfer's paradise on the Georgia coast

The majestic The Lodge at Sea Island reigns supreme between marshes and the ocean on St. Simons Island. Located in the middle of a golf club, the vast building boasts architecture reminiscent of an English manor, and is the perfect starting point for walks in the great outdoors, sport, or family escapes.

Auberge du Soleil : a Provençal garden in Napa Valley

Auberge du Soleil

With vineyards as far as the eye can see, the Auberge du Soleil radiates Provence as much in its Mediterranean flavour cuisine as in its wellness treatments based on olives, herbs, and flowers. Here, art takes pride of place, and the sculpture garden is set harmoniously among beautiful olive trees.

The Little Nell : the jewel of Colorado

The Little Nell

The luxury ski resort of Aspen is tucked away at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, and in winter and summer alike visitors can enjoy a multitude of sporting and cultural activities. Within this setting, the jewel of Colorado The Little Nell elegantly combines contemporary architecture and fine materials, lending the property a cosy and welcoming atmosphere.

Rancho Valencia Resort & Spa : the relaxed charm of Southern California

Rancho Valencia Resort & Spa
The Rancho Valencia offers a serene, tranquil atmosphere just a few kilometres north of San Diego. Among bougainvillea, hibiscus, cacti, and orange groves, enjoy a slice of paradise perfumed by Californian easy living.

The Inn of the Five Graces : a colourful oasis in Santa Fe

The Inn of the Five Graces
In the historic centre of Santa Fe, The Inn of the Five Graces offers a colourful oasis you will never tire of. Mosaics of various shades adorn the bathroom walls, oriental rugs are scattered on the lounge and bedroom floors, and the furniture is delicately hand-carved. The Inn of the Five Graces is an exclusive property where the architecture and interior design illustrate a skilful blend of Indian and Spanish heritage, inviting guests on a voyage of the senses.

The Inn at Little Washington : a temple of American haute cuisine

The Inn at Little Washington 

Discriminating diners can try Patrick O’Connell's signature cuisine just a few kilometres from Washington, at The Inn at Little Washington. The stunning location is close to Shenandoah National Park, a luxurious natural setting promising wonderful hikes.