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Tembo Plains Camp

Tembo Plains Camp

ZimbabweMana Pools Region


This property is annually closed. Reopening on 3/31/25

Awaken all the senses

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Wildlife drives and walks

“Each early morning and late afternoon, when the air is cooler and the wild things rouse and roam across the wilderness, we head out, on foot or in open-sided 4×4s, to track the signs that lead us to them: the buffalo, elephant and lion, the giraffe, zebra and waterbuck, the fish eagles and baboons. Witnessing the animals and birdlife of the Sapi Reserve close and in their natural habitat, with expert guides to lead and decipher the way, is an experience that stays with you for life.” 

Elliot Nobula - Guide
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Tembo Plains - Canoeing 2

Water safaris

“The river is a creature of its own, teeming with animals you need to share the water with to see – from the lone crocodiles to the great hippo pods. In the lodge’s eight-seater aluminium hulled motor boat, or in a 2 or 3 man canoe, slip along the mighty Zambezi River like one of the river’s own, water levels permitting, whether on a game-viewing by boat, or on a sunrise or sun-downer cruise, stopping for hot coffee or chilled G&Ts along the way.” 

Diesie Siampambra - Boat Captain
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Mana Pools

“The private Sapi Reserve, a previous hunting area, was established in 2016 by Great Plains Conservation as a beautiful private photographic reserve safe for wildlife. It borders the Mana Pools National Park to the west and forms part of our mission to convert vast tracts of Africa into pure conservation land. It is now recognised as one of the finest wildlife destinations in Africa today. We access this fantastic wildlife sanctuary and the Mana Pools National Park if we want to offer a combined range of over 337,000 hectares of prime, protected wilderness for our guests. It is a part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site and a core area of the middle-Zambezi biosphere reserve.”

Hayden Westley - Maître de Maison
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“Tembo Plains Camp’s philosophy of wellness goes beyond the touch of the wellness concierges. It harnesses the healing power of nature – from the bush spa that opens out onto the wilderness, with the songs of fish eagle and hippo splashing in the water, and an uninterrupted of the riverbank from the massage table, to treatments that speak to all the senses and utilise products that are uniquely African, organic, vegan and sensual. It extends to the wholesome, nutritious and mindful meals made from the freshest ingredients, to promote energy and health, and the yoga mats and stationary bicycle on your private deck, letting you connect to nature while exercising.” 

Primerose Ganda - Wellness Coordinator