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Twin Farms
(from) US$ 2,600

Twin Farms

United StatesVermontBarnard


Awaken all the senses

Treehouse Ext 5

Rediscover a childhood high amid the treetops

The treehouses at Twin Farms are synonymous with adventure in an extraordinary environment. The interiors celebrate the beauty of the exterior, with soft tones, design elements inspired by the forest, bathtubs facing the outside and modern fireplaces... Everything is designed to cultivate extraordinary stays, bridging childhood and adult escape.


Progressive Farm Lunch

At Twin Farms, enjoy a culinary experience that brings the table to the farm and places it anywhere we produce our ingredients. Concocted by Chef Nathan Rich and Director John Graham, it begins at Dorothy's Shed with hors d'oeuvres and fruit juice from the farm, and continues a few steps away at the Lift Shack with a glass of Krug champagne and a plate of onions from the kitchen garden. With Dave, the in-house beekeeper, you'll explore the beehives while sipping a Barr Hill gin cocktail. Finally, pastry chef Christopher Wilson will offer you a dessert made from our own sugar maples. Exciting and delicious moments!
The Progressive Farm lunch is held twice a month, and is limited to 12 people. Reservation required.


Tour the beehives with Dave, our Twin Farms Beekeeper

Our in-house beekeeper Dave and his ever-busy bees offer you a wonderful way to experience the transformation of pollen into delicious Twins Farms honey. This rich learning experience is not to be missed under any circumstances.

BH Spa

Biological research in the service of personalized well-being

Enjoy a profound experience of personalized well-being, exclusively at our spa. This experience was conceived to provide you with an instant lifting all while exfoliating, hydrating, firming, and protecting your skin. By employing a unique sequence of massage techniques along with a combination of active ingredients adapted to your skin type and needs, this remarkably effective treatment leads to a visible transformation.