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(from) US$ 190.17




Awaken all the senses

A delicious rural picnic

Explore the majestic mountains surrounding Echaurren. The Oja River Valley, in the Sierra de la Demanda, is a paradise for avid hikers and lovers of the countryside. Its awe-inspiring beech and oak forests immerse you in incredible peace and tranquility. After a walking tour to admire the scenery and biodiversity, take a moment to relax and savor a magnificent picnic, deep in the heart of nature. Served by our hotel team, with all the comforts, it is based around a menu prepared by Chef Francis Paniego. It is accompanied by a selection of drinks, which you'll enjoy in the cool shade of the trees. Cap off your experience with a delicious hot drink for you to savor whilst enjoying the calm of the forest. Unforgettable moments that seem to suspend time itself.

Visit Ezcaray, our unique town

In the heart of La Rioja, our hotel is located in the beautiful village of Ezcaray. Our town treasures historic palaces, arcades and squares that can be visited on a pleasant walk. By touring Ezcaray, you get to know its traditions and learn about its varied local culture. You can start by visiting the beautiful Gothic church Santa María la Mayor located in front of our hotel featuring magnificent altarpieces. The tree-lined banks of the Oja River are another must in order to enjoy this small Rioja town, which has a special charm year-round. You are invited you to end your tour of Ezcaray at one of our restaurants with the gastronomic proposal of our chef Francis Paniego, based on local produce and traditional recipes from La Rioja. A complete experience to get to know and enjoy the local culture and gastronomy.

Discover the fascinating world of wine

Guided by the Echaurren hotel's expert sommeliers, dive into the astonishing world of wine. Find out why La Rioja is an exceptional area, as well as a Spanish region globally recognized for viticulture. Take part in a tasting in the Gallery Lounge, where one of the sommeliers will take you on a fascinating oenological journey. You'll learn all about the history, characteristics, and secrets of the best regional wines, which you'll also have the pleasure of sampling. All your senses are invited to this memorable experience.

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15/7/17 Inauguración de La Arboleda del Sur del Echaurren, Ezcaray, La Rioja, España. Photo by James Sturcke | sturcke.org
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22/7/17 Eva y Lorenzo, Ezcaray y Valgañon, La Rioja, España. Photo by James Sturcke | sturcke.org
15/7/17 Inauguración de La Arboleda del Sur del Echaurren, Ezcaray, La Rioja, España. Photo by James Sturcke | sturcke.org

Celebrate events at Echaurren

Just a five-minute walk from the Echaurren hotel is La Arboleda del Sur, a spectacular place for celebrating many occasions. Located in the heart of nature, it is truly the ideal spot for organizing any kind of celebration. Spread over 3/4 acres of green space, it includes a glazed lounge, which opens out to blend seamlessly into the landscape, as well as several outdoor areas. All these multi-purpose spaces can be adapted to celebrate bespoke, personalized events. The prestigious chef, Francis Paniego, designs and prepares the menus and oversees coordination. La Arboleda del Sur can host small, medium or large-format family celebrations, conferences, professional or institutional events. Lasting memories are on the horizon!