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Winter sun: set course for the Tropics with Relais & Châteaux!

Put away those boots, jumpers, scarves and gloves and make way for the swimsuit and sarong - your suitcase is already heady with exotic scent! It's decided, you're spending winter in the sunshine. You can luxuriate swimming in turquoise blue waters with the sun high in the sky, or trace little drawings with your toe in the fine, white sand, not a care in the world. TOTAL RELAXATION! Take the time to seek some shade in a beach hut, refresh yourself with a cool coconut milk, savour some delicious fruit: a cocktail of sensations for you to enjoy during your winter trip in the sun. The Caribbean, Mexico, Hawaii, Sri Lanka, the Indian Ocean or Polynesia: set course for a tropical winter!

 Exclusive paradise in St. Barts – Le Toiny (St. Barts, Guadeloupe)

Hôtel Le Toiny


 A garden of Eden in the heart of the Caribbean, Eden Roc at Cap Cana (Dominican Republic, Punta Cana)

Eden Roc Cap Cana


 Intimate Barbados at Cobblers Cove (Barbados, St Peter)

Cobblers Cove


 Former sugar plantation, the Montpelier Plantation & Beach (Saint Kitts and Nevis, Charlestown)

Montpelier Plantation & Beach


 Deep in an equatorial forest, Imanta Punta de Mita (Mexico, Higuera Blanca)

Imanta Punta de Mita


 Sunset over the Pacific at the Esperanza Resort (Mexico, Cabo San Lucas)


Between coconut palms and the Atlantic, Txai (Brazil, Bahia)

Txai Resort Itacaré


Hawaii in all its splendour in Wailea (USA, Hawaii, Wailea)

Hotel Wailea


The jewel in French Polynesia's crown at Taha’a Island Resort & Spa (French Polynesia, Patio – Taha’a)

Le Taha’a Island Resort & Spa


In harmony with the South Pacific on Fiji – Dolphin Island (Fiji, Dolphin Island)

Dolphin Island


Mauritius, gem of the Indian Ocean - 20° Sud Boutique Hotel (Mauritius, Pointe aux Canonniers)

20 Degrés Sud Boutique-hôtel


In the heart of a vast nature reserve, the paradise of Anjajavy (Madagascar)

Anjajavy le Lodge


An exclusive paradise in the Seychelles, Château de Feuilles (Seychelles, Praslin)

Château de Feuilles


Headland overlooking the ocean at Cape Weligama (Sri Lanka, Weligama)

Cape Weligama


In the heart of Kerala, in a lush coconut grove, the Niraamaya Surya Samudra (India, Thiruvananthapuram)

Niraamaya Retreats Surya Samudra


A turquoise lagoon and white sand at the Soneva Fushi (Maldives)


Paradise on Phuket at Wanakarn Beach Resort & Spa (Thailand, Thai Muang)


Wanakarn Resort & Pool Villas