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Where to go in January with Relais & Châteaux?

January is the perfect time to make good resolutions and open yourself up to new horizons. Heading for the sun to enjoy warmer temperatures is a great way to start the year to come. Unless of course, you prefer to admire snowcapped peaks instead. In January, you could hit the slopes of the French Alps to make the most of the maximum snowfall.

Discover the top 5 Relais & Châteaux destinations to start the new year in style.


Mexico - Relais & Châteaux

What’s the weather like in Mexico in January?

Mexico enjoys a dry and comfortable climate with temperatures of around 86 °F on both the Caribbean coast and the Pacific coast. In the north, including Mexico City for example, temperatures are cooler. Temperatures average 46 °F in the morning and 68 °F in the day, the perfect weather to discover the vast metropolis and its 170 museums.

What to do in Mexico?

Mexico City is the true definition of a cultural city bursting with great food and celebrations as well as the perfect starting point for a trip that’s filled with color. From Aztec, Mayan and Toltec vestiges to futuristic works of art, the Mexican megacity bubbles with energy and offers a unique chance to start the year with passion.

To the east of the country, Yucatán promises vacations that range from total relaxation with the magnificent white sand beaches of Cancún to discovering Mayan civilization with a visit to the Tulum Ruins, an archaeological site facing the sea, or even a trip to Chichén Itzá, one of the new seven wonders of the world!

Back on land, allow yourself a timeless break at Agua Azul, where waterfalls and natural swimming pools promise you a refreshing moment to bathe.

Finally, on the west coast, plan a walk along the sea to observe humpback whales giving birth to their calves that were conceived the year before. Or perhaps you would prefer to watch in astonishment as La Quebrada Cliff Divers throw themselves off heights ranging from 100 ft to 135 ft.

> Discover our Relais & Châteaux in Mexico


Grenada - Relais & Châteaux

What’s the weather like in Grenada in January?

In January, Grenada enters the dry season. Tropical storms are rare and the sun shines brightly. With temperatures of 73 °F in the morning and 86 °F in the afternoon, as well as a drier climate, you will be able to enjoy the beach and visit the island without suffering from the heat.

What to do in Grenada?

The island of Grenada is the Caribbean’s best kept secret. With its unspoiled lush landscapes and incredible white sand beaches, this tropical paradise has retained an authentic atmosphere and fiery character. It is also known as the “Island of Spice” due to its production of nutmeg with its delicious aroma that is ever-present in the air as well as the local cuisine.

With its naturally beautiful sites, the island is the perfect place for green tourism: an aromatic visit to the spice plantations, hiking or bike riding through the tropical forest or various water sports along the shore are all on the program. Start the year with a dive into the crystal-clear waters to discover the rich sea life swimming among astonishing shipwrecks and underwater sculptures for an unforgettable spectacle!

> Discover our Relais & Châteaux in Grenada


Tanzania and Zanzibar

Zanzibar - Relais & Châteaux

What’s the weather like in Tanzania and Zanzibar in January?

In January, the south of Tanzania and the coastal areas benefit from pleasant temperatures of around 82 °F. In Zanzibar, swimming is particularly enjoyable as the sea’s temperature, which varies between 77 and 86 °F, is hotter than the air temperate by a few degrees.

What to do in Tanzania and Zanzibar?

A new year means new challenges! With cool temperatures at higher altitudes, this is the perfect time to scale Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa, from the Tanzanian side. Make the most of your stay in Tanzania and bring childhood dreams to life with a safari in the Serengeti National Park, which promises a unique chance to see the Big Five, the name given to the great African mammals. Observing lions, leopards, buffalo, elephants and black rhinoceroses in their natural habitat will become the memory of a lifetime.

Finally, travel to Zanzibar’s oriental coast with its white sand beaches along the warm waters of the Indian Ocean, a well-deserved rest after your safari. Among the paradisaical landscapes and transparent waters where you can swim with dolphins and giant turtles, feel your energy levels become revitalized.

Discover our Relais & Châteaux on the island of Zanzibar in Tanzania


South Africa

South Africa - Relais & Châteaux

What’s the weather like in South Africa in January?

In January, a pleasant climate awaits you in South Africa with temperatures between 68 et 86 °F. Expect significant temperature differences between day and night, and a few inland showers.

What to do in South Africa?

If you’re looking for a safari, go to the Kruger National Park or Limpopo National Park. Inside these superb natural reserves, you will be able to take a close look at Africa’s great wildlife and more than 500 species of birds. In the Northern Cape, discover the diamond city Kimberley, while in the Western Cape, explore the sumptuous beaches and lush vineyards surrounding Stellenbosch and Paarl. The fascinating landscape of Table Mountain and Chapman’s Peak are also an endless source of wonderment. Spend some time in Cape Town. The country’s oldest city will surprise you with its contagious energy, cultural richness and beautiful beaches along the Atlantic.

> Discover our Relais & Châteaux in South Africa


France — In the Alps

France - Alps - Relais & Châteaux

What's the weather like in the Alps in January?

Rarely reaching higher than 50 °F, temperatures are often much lower at night and in the early morning. Yet, this provides one undeniable advantage: the snow is incredibly beautiful!

What to do in the Alps?

While the main activity to be enjoyed in January is usually skiing or snowboarding, you will also discover plenty of other joys of the snow. A number of ski resorts offer original activities such as snowshoe excursions or dog sled rides.

At the Chalet du Mont d’Arbois for example, you can sleep in a suite at over 6000 ft above sea level and the following day fly over Mont Blanc on board a private plane. An extraordinary experience to start the new year.

Before heading back to the chalet, a relaxing spa session or an unforgettable dining experience will prolong your enjoyment. A number of Michelin-starred Relais & Châteaux chefs draw their inspiration from the mountain peaks, including Emmanuel Renaut at the Flocons de Sel, Jean Sulpice at the Auberge du Père Bise or Michel Rochedy and Stéphane Buron at the Chabichou.

> Discover our Relais & Châteaux in the French Alps