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The Inn at Little Washington joins world’s gastronomic elite: 3 MICHELIN stars for Patrick O'Connell

For the very first time in the Michelin Guide Washington DC, a restaurant receives the ultimate accolated of 3 stars. The inspectors praised The Inn at Little Washington’s “well-balanced and creative kitchen with superb technique”. Furthermore, the attention to detail and the special attention given to the origin of the products have captured the iconic red guide’s heart.

Chef Patrick O’Connell – self-taught chef with a degree in performing arts – creates dishes that can be enjoyed just like a theatre play, overwhelming us with emotions like plays do. In this phantasmagoric inn located at the state of Virginia, we are comforted by the decor. Enchanting, it gives pride of place to fabrics, tables, and other tapestries which give soul to the place, revealing an authentically-designed home. A true philosopher, Patrick O’Connell stresses that here the guest are not in fact in a “restaurant”, but rather they are in a festive place which lights up their hearts. He believes that: life if worth living!  

In terms of dishes, they have a farandole of spot on and explosive flavors with hints of culinary trends from around the world for an exquisite taste: lamb carpaccio in herb coating with Caesar salad ice cream, butter-poached Alaska halibut with barigoule sauce and roasted fennel, Maine scallops scented with curry and Calvados or roasted veal fillet with Taleggio cheese and cracked pepper ravioli in tomato cream. Culinary delights to savor without any guilt!

The Inn at Little Washington

The Inn at Little Washington

Relais & Châteaux congratulates Patrick O’Connell for this much sought after accolade, for his generosity, his talent which he has been refining for 40 years now, his involvement in our Association, and for reaching the zenith of culinary excellence!

> Discover the world of chef Patrick O’Connell at The Inn at Little Washington

The Inn at Little Washington