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Relais & Châteaux and Moët & Chandon award the "Welcome 2022" trophy to the Manoir de Lan-Kerellec located at Trébeurden in the north of Brittany, France

Driven by the desire to make every moment unique, Relais & Châteaux and Moët & Chandon are awarding the "Welcome" trophy to the Manoir de Lan-Kerellec, a family home that dominates the Pink Granite Coast in Brittany..

The Manoir de Lan Kerellec is an emblematic holiday home built in 1909 for the painter Pierre Gervais at Trébeurden, a seaside resort of the Cotes-d'Armor and then owned and managed by the Daubé family since 1925. With a long tradition of hospitality, the Daubé family shares the good living of this Breton paradise with warmth and refinement.

Relais & Châteaux - Manoir de Lan Kerellec - Hotel Brittany Relais & Châteaux - Manoir de Lan Kerellec - Hotel Brittany

Inspired by the beauty of the sea that embraces the archipelago of the Seven Islands on the horizon, Pauline Daubé, the starred chef Anthony Avoine and their attentive teams preserve the authenticity of this family home while embodying a modern vision of the Breton terroir. It is in the dining room with its roof beams in the shape of an overturned boat, a work of the skilled artisans of the Compagnons du Devoir, and its large bays windows overlooking the ocean that the magic does its work. The bold creations of the chef, the impeccable service, the charm of the old and the spectacular view of the blue of the horizon, create a warm atmosphere conducive to appreciation and discovery.


Moët & Chandon

Relais & Châteaux - Relais & Châteaux Welcome TrophyMoët & Chandon -  Manoir de Lan Kerellec Relais & Châteaux- Relais & Châteaux Welcome Trophy
Moët & Chandon -Manoir de Lan Kerellec

Founded in 1743 by Jean-Rémy Moët, the Moët & Chandon champagne house established the first emblematic gestures that accompany celebrations and major events around the world. Blending tradition with innovation, Moët & Chandon has never stopped inventing new ways to celebrate life's most precious moments. Faithful to its innovative spirit, Moët & Chandon combines know-how and cutting-edge technologies to give birth to exceptional champagnes inseparable from these magical moments. Its vineyards located in Montagne de Reims, Côte des Blancs, the Marne Valley, Sézanne, and Aube, which is the largest Champagne wine-growing area, provide unequalled richness and consistent quality to vintages from the best crus of the region.