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Relais & Châteaux Welcomes Four New Properties

AUTUMN HAS ARRIVED. And with it comes four sublime new properties that tick all the boxes of Relais & Châteaux’s charter and the values it holds so dear: authenticity, singularity, concern for the environment and an innate sense of beauty. Based in the United States, Italy, the Netherlands and France, these four newcomers to the Association are all unique and invite you to discover marvellous experiences imbued with an exceptional understanding of art de vivre. You need look no further for proof that charm truly transcends all styles, cultures and continents.

The Swag – Waynesville, North Carolina, USA
Standing at the edge of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, The Swag is the perfect mountaintop retreat for relaxation and rejuvenation. With breathtaking views of four of North Carolina’s tallest mountains, its deliciously romantic atmosphere invites you to escape into a world of rustic luxury.

Discover The Swag


Villa della Pergola -– Alassio, Liguria, Italy
On the heights of the Italian Riviera and facing the sea, Villa della Pergola cultivates Liguria’s long tradition of Anglo-Indian influences and deliciously timeless refinement with its fifteen suites set amid two hectares of lush Mediterranean gardens.

Discover Villa della Pergola 

Weeshuis Gouda – Gouda, The Netherlands (Opening Spring 2021)
Standing within a former monastery dating back to the 16th century, Weeshuis Gouda presides over the historic heart of Gouda. With its twenty-five intimate, atypical and slightly eccentric suites, it celebrates the mysterious and romantic air of this lovely little town in the Netherlands, bringing to it a remarkable sense of charm and style. Sublimated even further by the creative menus elaborated by the Michelin-starred chef, the experience is one of pure pleasure.

Weeshuis Gouda

Discover Weeshuis Gouda

Hôtel Saint-Delis – Honfleur, Normandy, France
In the heart of the historic district of Honfleur, Hôtel Saint-Delis is deeply woven into the rich cultural fabric of this emblematic city in Normandy. Imbued with timeless charm, it radiates with authenticity, offering a haven of intimacy within its elegant garden. Adorned with splendid materials and custom furniture, the rooms and salons conjure up a pictorial aura worthy of the talented painter Henri de Saint-Delis, for whom this was home in the twentieth century.

Discover Hôtel Saint-Delis