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Relais & Châteaux and Taittinger award the "Ethical Cuisine 2022" trophy to the L'Effervescence restaurant of the chef Shinobu Namae located in the Minato-Ku neighborhood of Tokyo, Japan

Fervent defenders of a cuisine that embodies a territory, Relais & Châteaux and Taittinger award the "Ethical Cuisine 2022" trophy to the L'Effervescence restaurant of the chef Shinobu Namae for his virtuous commitment to culinary ecology.

The triple-star chef Shinobu Namae created the L'Effervescence restaurant  to share a philosophy based on what deeply connects us with nature. In his restaurant imagined as a pastoral retreat in the middle of a forest of high-rise buildings in the Minato neighborhood, the chef immerses us in Japanese landscapes from which he draws his inspiration. These landscapes also offer him a range of exceptional natural flavors and ingredients of absolute freshness: no fewer than 30 wild vegetables are included on his menu. To create this perfect harmony between man and nature, Shinobu Namae uses ingredients sourced exclusively from local producers with whom he shares the same ethical values. In his restaurant, every gesture is designed to celebrate nature with respect and humility. His team is invited to prepare the product reverentially and to use the entire ingredient without wasting any. Because his approach goes well beyond simply choosing the best ingredients. It aims to reduce waste or to return any to the natural world. This creates a genuine virtuous circle in the kitchen. Thus, this culinary rigor which aspires to create a unity between the chef, nature and the person who discovers the flavors is expressed with sensitivity until it reaches the plate..

Chef Shinobu Namae - Restaurant Tokyo Restaurant L'Effervescence - Restaurant Tkyo - Restaurant Relais & Châteaux



Hennessy - Ethical cuisine Trophy Relais & Châteaux Hennessy - Ethical cuisine Trophy Relais & Châteaux

The Taittinger family has been cultivating a passion for vines for almost a century. The estate of this emblematic champagne house, which extends over 711 acres, has received High Environmental Value certification as part of its approach to integrated wine growing using soil-friendly techniques. The vineyard and its chardonnay vines, which are spread over the 5 terroirs of the Côte des Blancs and produce the great vintages of this prestigious grape variety, constitute the richness of its heritage. Its attachment to the land, the mastery of quality, and the quest for excellence guarantee the unique style of the Taittinger House’s champagnes.