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Relais & Châteaux and Taittinger award the "Ethical Cuisine 2021" trophy to chef Bart De Potter of the gourmet restaurant Pastorale in Rumst, Belgium

Fervent defenders of a cuisine that embodies a territory, Relais & Châteaux and Taittinger award the "Ethical Cuisine 2021" trophy to chef Bart De Potter of the Pastorale restaurant for his "Biotope" concept.

The Pastorale restaurant, with 2 stars in the Michelin guide since 2006, is located in the former presbytery of the chef's native village south of Antwerp. A pioneering figure in Flemish haute cuisine, Bart De Potter leaves his creative mark on dishes that maintain the harmony between man and nature. He defines his kitchen as a biotope within which fauna, flora and water are invited into his culinary landscape.

Chef Bart De Potter - Restaurant Belgium Restaurant Pastorale - Restaurant Rumst - Restaurant Relais & Châteaux

For more than 25 years, the chef has been nurtured by experiences and travels that have shaped his personal biotope. He offers a wide range of vegetable flavors borrowed from both Flemish and Asian cuisine. This "biotope" has become his signature throughout the seasons, a philosophy that makes the gastronomic experience of the Pastorale restaurant unique, and connects man to his environment. In a menu freely composed of 7 to 9 dishes, the chef works to create a natural and seasonal cuisine in tune with the elements: water for fish, flora for vegetables, fauna for meat. Sourced locally as much as possible, selected from suppliers who share the same environmental standards, and harvested directly from vegetable gardens on family farms or from the Pastorale's own garden, each product always retains an intimate link with its own environment in order to express all its subtlety and enrich the Flemish chef's unique approach.



Hennessy - Ethical cuisine Trophy Relais & Châteaux Hennessy - Ethical cuisine Trophy Relais & Châteaux

The Taittinger family has been cultivating a passion for vines for almost a century. The estate of this emblematic champagne house, which extends over 711 acres, has received High Environmental Value certification as part of its approach to integrated wine growing using soil-friendly techniques. The vineyard and its chardonnay vines, which are spread over the 5 terroirs of the Côte des Blancs and produce the great vintages of this prestigious grape variety, constitute the richness of its heritage. Its attachment to the land, the mastery of quality, and the quest for excellence guarantee the unique style of the Taittinger House’s champagnes.