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Mediterranean islands with Relais & Châteaux

The Balearics, Sicily, the Aeolian islands, Capri, Sardinia, the Cyclades and Crete, the Mediterranean islands share rugged coastlines, crystal-clear waters perfect for swimming and diving, pine trees leaning towards the horizon and villages with narrow streets... Staying on a Mediterranean island is about embracing different sensations: the gentle breeze and occasionally more capricious wind, smelling the luxuriant greenery and listening to nature around you. Finally, it’s about relishing the sun-drenched cuisine characterized by the abundance of local rosemary, basil, olive oil and vegetables. 


Corsica with Relais & Châteaux

Extraordinarily beautiful landscapes merging with the turquoise sea, scrublands and Genoese towers – this is Corsica! But Corsica also bares its soul through its local hospitality, mountain villages and regional specialties such as lonzo sausage, brocciu cheese and clementines. 

> Stay in Corsica with Relais & Châteaux 


The Balearics with Relais & Châteaux 

Staying in Ibiza, Majorca or Minorca calls for exploring colorful gardens, losing yourself in picturesque village streets where the buildings have been weathered with time, and above all luxuriating on the beach by the turquoise sea.

> Stay in the Balearics with Relais & Châteaux


Italian islands with Relais & Châteaux

An ideal destination for a dream holiday or a romantic break, Italian islands like Capri, Ischia, Sardinia, the Aeolian islands or Sicily are perfect havens for getting back to nature. Small sheltered coves, an azure blue sea for diving into at whim, and sheer cliffs with beautiful views make the Italian islands irresistibly beautiful. 

> Stay on the Italian islands with Relais & Châteaux


Malta with Relais & Châteaux

Land of myriad cultures, Malta has been shaped by its history. Dubbed Hollywood of the Mediterranean, Malta has all kinds of cinematic qualities: wild landscapes, cliffs rising out of the turquoise sea, small fishing ports with lovely colorful boats... 

> Stay in Malta with Relais & Châteaux


Greek islands with Relais & Châteaux

Mykonos, Santorini, Crete – all picture perfect in their own right. Peaceful paradises where the beaches, the sea and the views constitute choice ingredients for a dream stay in the Mediterranean. 

> Stay on the Greek islands with Relais & Châteaux