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Go on a city break getaway before the summer ends!

And what if “back-to-work” means “traveling” and “going back” means “taking off”? All around the world, from the friendliest to the largest cities, they all reveal beautiful mysteries via alleyways or avenues. Glass, wood, and brick architectures, medinas or huge cities with countless skyscrapers, this is where life happens. Relais & Châteaux unveils the most beautiful urban havens for a charming stay in the city.


European city break

Europe and its cities inspire travelers who, during a city break, will be able to marvel at the beauty of a capital city or a medium-sized town. Do Roman temples entice you? What about the gildings in the beautiful city of Krakow? Or is it the Eiffel Tower that amazes you? Storm the streets of Europe!

> A European city break?


African and Indian Ocean city break

From Marrakech to Johannesburg, each city has its own character and charm. Some exhibit Medina's enchanting alleyways, others put their skyscrapers on display. Age-old civilizations will captivate you during a short stay full of surprises!

> An African and Indian Ocean city break?


North American city break

From New York to Quebec, Baltimore to Vancouver, everything in North American cities is bigger and has an erstwhile charm. Between past and present, Canadian and American cities alike will fascinate any curious traveler in search of adventure.

> A Canadian or American city break?


Latin American city breaks

From Lima to Cartagena, the South American territory has been marked with the Hispanic imprint, seen in its architecture, language, and history. Discover the Latin soul of the rainbow-painted streets and alleys of these cities during a city break getaway.

> A Latin American city break?


Asian city break

From Kobe to Pekin, Bangalore to Taiwan, an Asian city break will immerse you in another civilization consisting of temples and stupas. Stone laces and fiberglass buildings, Asia is a land sophistication and hospitality which is well worth a visit.

> An Asian city break?