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Four Michelin-starred Relais & Châteaux Chefs to savor the dynamic creativity of Californian gastronomy

On August 27, 2019, Chef Kyle Connaughton of  Single Thread in Healdsburg, California is hosting an exceptional dining event in collaboration with Chef David Kinch of Manresa in Los Gatos. At this unique dinner, the two three-star Chefs will celebrate the dynamism of Californian cuisine by honoring two other Relais & Châteaux Chefs who recently achieved their first Michelin star: William Bradley of Addison restaurant in San Diego and Justin Cogley of Aubergine restaurant at l'Auberge Carmel in Carmel-by-the-Sea.

Relais & Châteaux is delighted to be a part of this display of incredible talent within California’s culinary scene. 

California is recognized throughout the world for the creativity of its cuisine and for a wealth of locally produced ingredients. While its gastronomic reputation has been forged by a diversity of flavors and cultures, it is also distinguished by a shrewd mix of relaxation and sophistication. An attribute perfectly mastered by this generation of ingenious chefs who are coming together for this unique event.

At the end of August, the four colleagues will collaborate in Single Thread’s kitchen and unite their talents to prepare a meal with deliciously original flavors.

Chef David Kinch, Manresa, Los Gatos, California

David Kinch is unquestionably the forerunner of contemporary Californian cuisine. His culinary identity draws its essence from the terrain of California’s coast. Every day, he delightfully chooses exceptional meats, local fish, and fruits and vegetables grown on the neighboring farm to produce dishes of rare authenticity. His restaurant, Manresa, has been part of the Relais & Châteaux family since 2016. In 2019, Manresa was again awarded three Michelin stars.

David Kinch
Restaurant Manresa
Discover Manresa


Chef Kyle Connaughton, SingleThread Farm - Restaurant - Inn, Healdsburg, California

Like Chef David Kinch, Kyle Connaughton traveled the world to perfect his culinary skills before settling in Sonoma County wine country in 2016. He joined Relais & Châteaux the following year. Chef Kyle Connaughton was awarded a third star in 2019. His Japanese-inspired dishes are made from exceptional products culled from his own five-hectare farm. Olive oil, honey, eggs, flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruits of stunning freshness give his creations a sublime allure.

Kyle Connaughton

SingleThread Farm - Restaurant - Inn

Discover the SingleThread Farm - Restaurant - Inn


Chef William Bradley, Addison, San Diego, California

A Relais & Châteaux member since 2011, Addison has quickly established itself as one of California's most exciting culinary experiences. Chef William Bradley, a San Diego native, has made his cuisine a form of expression in itself. By choosing the best local products, he has developed an artisanal approach to cooking fed by a great admiration for French cuisine. Each dish restores all the intensity of the product's flavors in a perfect balance of aesthetics and purity. William Bradley is the very first chef to shine with a Michelin star on the San Diego skyline.

William Bradley

Restaurant Addison
Discover the Addison Restaurant


Chef Justin Cogley, Aubergine at L’Auberge Carmel, Carmel-by-the-Sea, California

Chef Justin Cogley took over the reins at Aubergine restaurant at L’Auberge Carmel in 2011. Before becoming a chef, Cogley was an internationally renowned figure skater. His travels around the globe helped him discover a world of infinite flavors. He then transformed this nascent passion into his livelihood. With rare intensity, he has never ceased to explore the unique biodiversity of the Californian coast. Varying between textures and exquisite tastes, seasonal products take center stage in utterly unique compositions. In 2019, Justin Cogley added a Michelin star to his list of distinctions.

Justin Cogley

Auberge Carmel

Discover L’Auberge Carmel