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20 Degrés Sud Boutique-hôtel
(from) US$ 495.38

20 Degrés Sud Boutique-hôtel

MauritiusPointe aux Canonniers


Awaken all the senses


Canoeing and diving

Every day, a new diving spot. The crew of 20 Degrés Sud accompanies lovers of marine fauna and flora to a succession of diving sites, each more impressive than the last: Mauritian lagoons are world renowned for their marine biodiversity. Sheltered by the coral reef, Mauritius also remains a paradise for free divers.

Lady Lisbeth

Dine aboard the M/S Lady Lisbeth

Owned by 20 Degrés Sud, the M/S Lady Lisbeth is the oldest motorboat in Mauritius. It's also arguably the most charming. Constructed in 1929 and completely restored according to archive photos found in a museum in Port Louis, it now serves as the setting for gentle cruises and gourmet dinners in the waters of Grande Baie. A romantic moonlit escape.

Moke (activité)

Mauritius by Mini Moke

The Mini Moke–an iconic, small all-terrain pick-up–offer a view of Mauritius that is as original as it is fun. These colorful vintage cars, open to the elements and easy to drive, are ideal for exploring the island’s roads and coastal paths.

Lady Lisbeth

"For an exclusive romantic evening, let yourself be tempted by a gourmet three-hour cruise aboard the prestigious Lady Lisbeth, a 17 metre boat which is the pride of 20°Sud. Dating from 1929 and renovated in 2007, it has maintained its original stylishness. This little floating gem set with teak panelling allows guests to dine comfortably on the water after a gentle cruise at sea. An apéritif whets the appetite as you board. The rest of the meal - starter, main course, dessert - is served anchored at Grand Baie. A night escape to be enjoyed in private."