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Maîtres de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Cerea Family

Maître de Maison - Relais & Châteaux

Cerea Family

Da Vittorio

Brusaporto - Italy

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Maître de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Can you tell us the story of your property?

Vittorio Cerea opened a restaurant in Bergamo with his wife, Bruna, in 1966. Bruna and Vittorio Cerea were young and in love, and shared the same passion for food when they opened Da Vittorio restaurant. It was the year 1966 and at the time it was unusual to find fish on the menu anywhere, obscured by the huge popularity of meat. Fish dishes helped the restaurant grow in esteem. Bergamo soon became an essential visit for lovers of haute cuisine and success also brought the first Michelin star in 1978, which, matched by the wealth of accolades and glowing write ups by leading food critics from Italy and abroad, was doubled in 1996.   

In the second millennium, the dream of joining the ranks of the Best Restaurants in the World also became true. 2010 finally brought the highly sought-after, third Michelin star.

What is your trademark in terms of the art of generosity and warmth?

The warmth and care that the family offer to their guests make them feel like at home.  

What memories do you want to give your customers?

Make our guests live a culinary and familiar experience that is our signature mark.  

What passions do you share with your guests at your property?

The passions that we want to share with our guests is the gourmet experience of food: a good balance between tradition and innovation.   

Da Vittorio

  • Restaurant and hotel in the country.