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SUJÁN The Serai, Jaisalmer
(from) US$ 918.71

SUJÁN The Serai, Jaisalmer



Awaken all the senses

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Culture The Serai

The Jaisalmer Jaunt

Jaisalmer Fort in the Indian state of Rajasthan, a living medieval city within the fortifications, is one of the largest in the world. The city spills down the hillside below the ramparts. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Built in 1156 AD by the Rajput ruler Rawal Jaisal, from whom it derives its name, Jaisalmer was an important caravan sarai, an oasis, on the trade route that connected India with Central Asia, Persia and beyond

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The Thar sundowner

The Thar Desert extends between the Aravalli Hills in the northeast, the Great Rann of Kutch along the coastline, and the alluvial plains of the Indus River in the west and northwest. Most of the desert is covered by huge shifting sand dunes that receive sediments from the alluvial plains and the coast. The sand is highly mobile because of strong winds that sweep across the open expanse at the onset of the monsoon. The dunes at Jaisalmer are soft, golden hued and warm. The most sublime experience is to sit at the dunes, feel the softness of the sand, and breathe in the best of nature, interspersed with sublime sundowners. We invite you to experience the mystery of the great Thar Desert.

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FOLLOW the herd

Camels are the lifeline of the desert and are intrinsic to the lives of communities settled in the region. At The Serai, we would be pleased to organize a camel safari for you in traditional Rajasthani style.

Villages voyages

"India lives in her villages", so said Mahatma Gandhi at the turn of the last century. Little has changed in a sense, since then as a man still identifies himself through his village. India›s villages have their own sense of time, space, social norms, and ways of life. Each village is different to the other and some are homes to particular communities. This is where the chakra of life revolves for most Indians. Step out and step into a different world to observe how life conducts itself in this part of the world. Engage with artisans and local artistes or simply watch life go by at a village well. Wherever you choose to go, this trip is a brief voyage into another way of life.


In concert with history

The Manganiars are the traditional bards of the western desert, with a history that goes back 13 centuries. Their music has influenced musical forms as far away as Spain where it travelled to with gypsies. These troubadours mesmerise you with their melodies, singing about love, war, passion and devotion, anything encapsulated in a life and its rhythm is potentially a note for them to string a song with. Their heritage has been passed down from father to son, generation after generation and many of them are regular performers in the greatest and grandest musical halls of the world. But at The Serai, they are at home, at ease and sing for you at leisure, their ancestral village barely thirty minutes away. For a private concert with these unique musicians, please give us prior notice of 48 hours.

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The Suján Spa

Our highly acclaimed SUJÁN Spa at The Serai, Jaisalmer, has been created by Rosamund Freeman-Atwood, of the globally renowned Raison d’Être. The SUJÁN Spa comprises four tents with interiors that induce soporific charm and a sense of well-being set within a walled garden. The SUJÁN wellness philosophy creates an environment for our urban-weary guests to reconnect to nature, revive their senses & restore their body and mind. Our unique wellness experiences are built upon indigenous healing practices, native plants and herbs, culinary traditions, and historical influences. The guests’ spa journey can be performed in the tranquillity of the spa, out on a private deck, or in the comfort of guest suites. A diverse menu of therapies ensures you experience the mood and essence that your mind and body demands. From rousing reflexology to cleansing scrubs and relaxing massages, the organic and ayurvedic products we use are made with ingredients from the Thar, blended with an array of healing herbs that leave you feeling relaxed and heavenly.

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Yoga at The Serai

Our Wellness team will happily curate an enriching programme from fresh, organic menu planning to sunrise meditation classes for our guests. Our daily yoga classes are suitable for beginner and intermediate levels and are usually conducted on the Pool Deck of The Serai. Private lessons or group yoga and wellness retreat can be organized tailor-made according to our guest’s wishes.