Our commitments
The Xara Palace prides itself on its meticulous care of guests. But it doesn’t just reserve this people-centered approach for customers—the hotel also devotes considerable energies to raising funds for charities.
It supports local charity, Dar tal-Providenza, which offers accommodation that can provide a warm and family-oriented environment to people with disabilities who are unable to continue living at home. The hotel makes both direct donations and organizes an annual gala dinner for some 150 guests, held in the piazza directly in front of the palace. The event typically raises over €50,000. The Xara Palace also supports a smaller charity, Sponsor My Future. This raises money to enable underprivileged children in Ruiru, Kenya, to attend school—as well as supporting their families. The hotel creates a dedicated dish on its restaurant menu, which it uses both to raise funds for the charity and promote its work.