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Burg Schwarzenstein
(from) US$ 284.19

Burg Schwarzenstein

GermanyGeisenheim - Ortsteil Johannisberg


Awaken all the senses

Explore the romantic landscape by electric bike

Discover the picturesque landscape of the Haut-Rhin and let yourself be captivated by the natural beauty of the region on an electric bike ride. Along your route, you will pass by vineyards, mountains and the calm waters of the Rhine, which make for a romantic panorama. A picnic accompanied, if you wish, by Riesling wine, will be provided to complete the experience.

30 BURGRESTAURANT Außenansicht

Cooking courses

Over a glass of Riesling produced on our estate, meet our chef in person and get ready to enjoy a pleasant and enriching evening. Listen to his advice on selecting, preparing and cooking ingredients and his techniques for a perfectly put together and presented dish. Finally, compose your own menu, which you can enjoy in the restaurant in the company of our chef with a glass of wine.

Wine tasting among the vines

Michel Fouquet

The Burg Schwarzenstein sits in the middle of the Schwarzenstein vineyard's hills high up in the Rheingau region. Learn about Riesling from the Schwarzenstein vineyard amid the vines or sample Kabinett, Spätlese and Erste Lage wines in the vineyards where they are produced in an enchanting setting overlooking the Rhine plain.

Michel Fouquet - Oenologist

Walk from Burg Schwarzenstein to the Vollrads Castle

Stéphanie Teigelkamp

The Rheingau region is a favourite among food and wine lovers. Leaving Burg Schwarzenstein, head for Vollrads Castle and enjoy a spectacular stroll along the Rhine. On the way, discover world famous vineyards and the Rhine valley spread before you. Once you arrive at the Vollrads Castle, learn to recognise the various types of Riesling and sample the Vollrads "kalte Ente", a delicious punch made from light wines, sparkling wines and lemon. This magical spot, full of history, will enchant you just as much as its legendary Rieslings.

Stéphanie Teigelkamp - Maître de Maison