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Hameau Albert 1er
(from) US$ 220.80

Hameau Albert 1er



Awaken all the senses

Cécile Ballauri

Visit Cécile Ballauri's workshop

Cécile Ballauri, a ceramicist with a particular affinity for the mountains, enjoys a unique relationship with the geology of this rocky landscape. The emotion she draws from the peaks is soaked into her unique creations, which are given pride of place on the tables of the restaurant Albert 1er. Experience a little of her passion for clay and minerals by visiting her workshop, where you can appreciate the different stages involved in creating her pieces, which are characterized by a sense of the granite she climbs throughout the year.



QuartzBar invites you into its cozy and intimate atmosphere, where jazz mingles with the murmurs of conversation. Its elegant interior, which features natural materials and subtle lighting, evokes the crystalline sparkles of the snow-capped peaks of Chamonix. Behind the bar, the sommelier-barman deploys his mixological expertise, creating tailor-made cocktails crafted to delight even the most refined palates.


chamonix Powder_skiing_in_Chamonix_Mont_Blanc Webwizzard

Skiing in Chamonix

Located at the foot of Mont Blanc, Le Hameau Albert 1er allows you to reach the different ski areas of Chamonix in just a few minutes. Whether you're a novice or expert, or prefer snowboarding, freeriding or speedriding, this mythical winter sports resort offers a unique opportunity to vary the pleasures with 106 ski trails spread over 4 areas. The Brévent-Flégère ski area, accessible from the town center, sits between 3,379 and 8,284 feet in altitude, and offers around thirty south-facing slopes with a view of the Aiguilles du Midi. Seasoned skiers will prefer the slopes of the Grands Montets area with a view of the top of the Aiguille Verte. On the Lognan plateau, a snowpark and boarder cross area will delight freestyle lovers. And for families, they can visit the Balme ski area, where they can ski at their own pace while enjoying the awe-inspiring panorama over the valley. When you reach the Les Houches-Saint-Gervais ski area, don't miss the opportunity to experience some thrills on the legendary Green slope on which the Alpine Ski World Cup takes place. This is a two-mile-long black run that the best skiers descend in less than two minutes: it's up to you to take up the challenge! From Chamonix, a gondola will take you to the top of the Aiguille du Midi at 12,605 feet. From here, people with a good level of skiing can launch themselves down the slopes of the Vallée Blanche for an unforgettable backcountry descent lasting several hours.

Chamonix in the summer

Bernard Prud'homme

"Mont Blanc brings its legendary character to Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, a place like no other. This is a world in and of itself: a special, exquisite place. This small mountain town bustles all year round, offering something for everyone: sightseers, dreamers and thrill-seekers alike. Think of it as a base camp for awakening."

Bernard Prud'homme - Former executive manager of the Chamonix tourist office, and a mountaineering guide
experiences-dejeuner oenologique-accord mets et vins

Wine-tasting luncheons

Marc-Henri Mialon

The wine tasting lunches are like our mountains, rich in color, aroma and flavor. Our sommelier Marc-Henri Mialon invites you to discover our exclusive vineyards as part of our monthly meetings with a winegrower. A unique opportunity to experience surprising wines and their pairings.

Marc-Henri Mialon - Oenologist

Chamonix in the wintertime

Sylviane Tavernier

"Chamonix is my paradise, my land of liberty. Leaving the valley through the woodlands, I can walk or ski to the peak of Mont Blanc. I was born in this valley, and I learned self-sufficiency at the different elevations of these mountains. I developed a taste for sport and getting away from it all, and then I built my career around it! Today, I enjoy revealing these delights to my customers: sharing the many activities available in Chamonix throughout the year with them. I am very familiar with the Hameau Albert 1er, a haven of peace masterfully run by my niece Perrine Carrier-Maillet. Coming there is like arriving at a refuge: I immediately feel relaxed and reassured in this tranquil, yet jovial, setting. We share the same values: a taste for effort and attentiveness to the natural setting all around us which commands respect."

Sylviane Tavernier - First woman to join the Compagnie des Guides de Chamonix