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Al Moudira Hotel
(from) US$ 280

Al Moudira Hotel



Awaken all the senses


Daydreaming by the river Nile

Al Moudira appears as an oasis on the west bank of the Nile in Luxor, not far from the ancient city of Thebes and the Valley of the Kings. Wander through the maze of courtyards, arches, and terracotta domes, in a palace designed by architect Olivier Sednaoui that blends seamlessly into its surroundings. From shaded patios to gardens of palm and lemon trees, Al Moudira offers an unforgettable stay.

Set Nefru Dahabeya

Adrenaline and adventures in Egypt

There are so many unusual and alternative ways to discover Luxor, Karnak and the Valley of the Kings. Thrill seekers may choose a hot air balloon flight or horseback ride to visit archaeological sites. Others will prefer to explore the surrounding area by bike or on foot. This region, with its unrivaled cultural wealth, has so much to offer to anyone who wants to get off the beaten path...

Temple Dinner RC upload (15)

A Pharaoh's Dinner

Have you ever dreamed of enjoying a private meal in the heart of an ancient Egyptian site? Al Moudira organizes dinners at selected temples and archaeological sites across Luxor. These exceptional moments, featuring a private chef and your own wait staff, can be enjoyed by couples or groups of up to 100 people and will provide memories to last a lifetime.

Temple Dinner RC upload (6)

Discover historic Luxor

Luxor is sometimes called the largest open-air museum in the world. The ancient city is the gateway to a great many wonders, including Karnak, the Valley of the Kings, the funerary temple of Hatshepsut, the tomb of Nefertari and the temple of Luxor. Whether exploring by road or via the Nile, or by boat, this collection of World Heritage Sites is guaranteed to elicit a multitude of emotions, from dawn to dusk.