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Our Chefs

All around the world the Relais & Châteaux restaurants strive for the same goal: to offer thrilling, memorable meals. Their selection of ingredients, honed techniques, perceptive associations of flavours all combine to create an art of true excellence in perfect harmony with an idylic setting.

The chefs, who make up the Relais & Châteaux Restaurants, transport us with the mere mention of their names to the haute couture of gourmet cuisine at the peak of its perfection. The chefs are the people who set the tone for an inspirational, groundbreaking cuisine. Throughout the world the Relais & Châteaux Restaurants are places which are the expression of culinary arts blending the cultures and terroirs of the world. From Great Britain to Italy, from Canada to Argentina, the route is long and presents countless culinary richnesses.

There is no doubt that the Relais & Châteaux chefs who are the true virtuosos of taste, cultivate a cuisine rich in influences. But it is also the cohesion, the sharing of experiences and knowledge of the chefs that make Relais & Châteaux rise to culinary exceptions. 

Discover all our Chefs

Our Maîtres de Maison

At Relais & Châteaux, we place a special value on one particular word: ‘Maison’ or property.
A ‘maison’ is a warm and welcoming place, where you feel at home.
It is also a place with its own roots, history and attachment to a particular terroir.
Finally it is a place where you go if you want to meet up with friends and relatives. It is a convivial place where you can spend some special time with your family.

That is why, in our view, all our properties are ‘Maisons’, or, more strictly speaking,‘grandes Maisons’, as they embody each and every one of the values that we ascribe to that word.
In every one of them the Relais & Châteaux family will be on hand to welcome the traveller. The personal presence of the Maître de Maison can be sensed throughout the entire property: his or her personality and vision are at the core of every property. These individuals are happy to share their attachment to their roots, to their culture, to their terroir with their guests, and to hand over to them, as they would to a member of their own family, the keys to that world.

The subtle alchemy between the individual talents and the fundamental values of Relais & Châteaux offers the traveller an experience that is always unique and yet one which never fails to strike a note of familiarity. Unique because the Maître de Maison places his or her personal stamp on every last detail of the property. Familiar because of the shared values that unite all the properties within the Association.

Discover all our Maîtres de Maison