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From Dresden to Göttingen: Baroque splendor and gastronomy in historic Saxony
3 Nights
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Although the cities of Dresden and Göttingen evoke the painful past of Germany during the war, the first now symbolizes the baroque elegance of a city of art and history, while the second exemplifies the dynamism of a university town. In between the two, let yourself be charmed by the hilly landscapes of Hesse and the sound of a symphony by Johann Sebastian Bach, the absolute master of Baroque music who was born in Eisenach, and explore the culinary heritage of the region.

This route was created by Ralf Kutzner, Maître de Maison of the Bülow Palais hotel Learn more.
300 km
100 km
1 Dresden — 1 Night
Hotel + Restaurant
1. Exterior View at Buelow Palais_Photo Juergen Jeibmann
Hotel + Restaurant
2. Reception_Photo Schoettger
Hotel + Restaurant
3. Caroussel_Photo Juergen Jeibmann
Hotel + Restaurant
24. Junior Suite_Photo Klaus Lorke
Hotel + Restaurant
25. Junior Suite Bath Room_Photo Klaus Lorke
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
5. Double Room Deluxe Category_Photo Klaus Lorke
Hotel + Restaurant
6. Double Room Deluxe Category_Photo Klaus Lorke
Hotel + Restaurant
7. Breakfast_Photo Thiel PR
Hotel + Restaurant
11. Salon Stuttgart Fine Dining_Photo Thiel PR
Hotel + Restaurant
40. Salon Dresden Fine Dining_Photo Thiel PR
Hotel + Restaurant
9. Junior Suite_Photo Klaus Lorke
Hotel + Restaurant
10. Palais Bar_Photo Juergen Jeibmann
Hotel + Restaurant
13. Palais Suite_Photo Klaus Lorke
Hotel + Restaurant
16. Lobby_Photo Schoettger
Hotel + Restaurant
17. Church of Our Lady_Photo Joachim Roediger
Hotel + Restaurant
18. Double Room Comfort Category_Photo Klaus Lorke
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
20. Fortress Koenigstein_Photo Frank Exss
Hotel + Restaurant
Elberadweg bei Meissen
Hotel + Restaurant
27. Palais SPA_Photo Volker Linger
Hotel + Restaurant
29. Caroussel_Photo Juergen Jeibmann
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
32. Single Room Comfort Category_Photo Klaus Lorke
Hotel + Restaurant
33. Buelow's Bistro Outsider Terrace_Photo Thiel PR
Hotel + Restaurant
34. Salon Dresden-Stuttgart_Photo Klaus Lorke
Hotel + Restaurant
35. Archer at the river Elbe_Photo Mario Thiel
Hotel + Restaurant
12. Salon Dresden-Stuttgart Fine Dining_Photo Thiel PR
Hotel + Restaurant
37. Palais Bar_Photo Juergen Jeibmann
Hotel + Restaurant
38. Palais Suite Dining Room_Photo Klaus Lorke

Bülow Palais

Dresden - Germany 58 rooms

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant in town. With the Semper Opera House, the Zwinger Palace and the Frauenkirche, Dresden is one of the most fascinating places to visit in Germany. Right in the centre of the Baroque district it is home to Bülow Palais. This residence, which is run with passion, offers a taste of paradise to stylish and demanding guests. It boasts an elegant atmosphere, with a touch of originality designed to appeal to those who love all that is truly personal. Relax and enjoy breakfast in the light-filled winter garden, savour light German cuisine at Bülow's Bistro, or meet up with your friends at the cigar lounge. The restaurant Le Caroussel offers one of the best cuisines in the region. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 190.79
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Frauenkirche, Dresden

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Military History Museum, Dresden

Military History Museum, Dresden

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300 km
100 km
2 Nörten-Hardenberg — 1 Night
Hotel + Restaurant
Front BurgHotel
Hotel + Restaurant
R&C Hardenberg BurgHotel_Innenhof
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Beverbach Terrace
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Hotel + Restaurant
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Hotel + Restaurant
rooms Mühle
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rooms Mühle
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Burg Spa
Hotel + Restaurant
Burg Spa
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Hotel + Restaurant
Restaurant Novalis
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Front Schnee
Hotel + Restaurant

Hardenberg BurgHotel

Nörten-Hardenberg - Germany 42 rooms

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant in the country. In the heart of the Hardenberg, at the foot of the castle ruin, there is a place which offers a refuge of classic elegance and rural idyll, unspoilt nature and modern comfort: the Hardenberg BurgHotel. Enjoy the calm of the hotel and forget the hustle and bustle savouring culinary moments at the restaurant Novalis. Relax at the Hardenberg BurgSpa with its wellness treatments. Experience the Hardenberg GolfResort, one of the most beautiful golf courses in Northern Germany or visit the Hardenberg distillery. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 215.86
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Texts : © Guides Gallimard
Photos : ©querbeet, Sean Pathasema/ Birmingham Museum of Art (CC BY 3.0 [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en])