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Discover all our Chefs
Relais & Châteaux Chef

Matthieu Pouleur

Chef - Relais & Châteaux

Matthieu Pouleur

La Ferme Saint-Siméon

Honfleur - France

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Chef Relais & Châteaux

How did you become a chef?

Ever since I was a small child, I’ve seen my parents working with an endless passion for their work as butchers. They transferred to me their values and tastes for high-quality local products.  

How would you define your cuisine?

I grew up in northern France. My cooking is often influenced by my roots, simple gourmet cuisine which is full of flavor. Meeting Jacques Lameloise was also an influential moment in my career. He’s someone who likes to share, and knew how to transfer his life skills and love of cooking to me.  

What are your favourite products and criteria for choosing?

We choose our regional producers carefully, with a focus on the quality and fairness of products: poultry, for example, is supplied by Monsieur Delaunay, a farmer from Calvados, while our crème fraîche is produced a few miles from the hotel within the Maison Borniambuc. Meanwhile, my personal guilty pleasure is our fish, which is freshly selected depending on the deliveries from the “Morjolène,” a small fishing boat in Honfleur.  

What is your signature?

Normandy is a region which is full of rich treasures and I really love to give pride of place to local produce in the kitchens at Ferme Saint Siméon. However, I never forget where I come from. My dishes, such as pigeon supreme marinated in beer, give a nod to my home region.   

What professions surround you and what would you like to pass on to them?

I’ve had the chance to rub shoulders with great Michelin-starred chefs who have all influenced me with their techniques and true values of sharing. Today, these two ingredients are essential for me to grow a team. I simply try to transmit the things that others have taught me so our dishes reflect our team and passionate character.   

Do you have a Chef’s tip for Sunday cooking?

The dish which most reminds me of my childhood is my grandmother’s roast chicken. Roasted in a traditional oven, she always accompanied it with fresh green beans, delicious sautéed potatoes, peas and carrots.  

Les restaurants Relais & Châteaux de Matthieu Pouleur

Les Impressionnistes

  • Creative cooking