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Discover all our Chefs
Relais & Châteaux Chef

Kyle Connaughton

Chef - Relais & Châteaux

3 Michelin Stars 2024

Kyle Connaughton

SingleThread Farm - Restaurant - Inn

Healdsburg - United States

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Chef Relais & Châteaux

How did you become a Chef?

I really decided I wanted to become a chef when I was nine years old and was taken to my first sushi experience by my dad who was spending quite a bit of time in Japan at the time. Food and dining were a big part of my growing up and I just always wanted to cook and create experiences for people. I took my first job in a sushi restaurant when I was a teenager and never looked back or considered doing anything else!

How would you define your cuisine?

Our cuisine is really driven by my wife’s farm and what is at its peak season at any given moment. The produce on our farm drives everything we do and we work to support the natural flavors of that produce. While our cuisine has many Japanese influences it is inherently California Cuisine that showcases the best of our farm and Sonoma.

What are your favorite products and criteria for choosing?

My favorite products are always those which are harvested in their peak season on our farm, those my wife is the most excited to harvest. We spend so much time looking at specific varieties of products that we grow, it’s always so rewarding to see it come to fruition after months of cultivation and find its way into our kitchen.

What is your signature?

I think our signature is being able to translate that day, that moment on the farm and in the local landscape onto the plate for the guest. To create for them an experience that feels truly in that moment in time.

What professions surround you and what would you like to pass on to them?

Education is really an important part of what we do at SingleThread. We want to educate our guests about our farming, the local area, as well as the wines from California. Education for our team is so incredibly critical and we hold classes and training on our farming practices, on wine, the unique ingredients we use, and the importance of warm, genuine hospitality.

Do you have a Chef’s tip for Sunday cooking?

My biggest tip is always to cook seasonally and as locally as possible when it comes to produce and meats. It’s both exciting and rewarding to wait all year to eat a tomato until it becomes in season and offers the best flavor from a farmer who really cares. Take time to select the best possible ingredients then prepare them simply to get the most from them.

Les restaurants Relais & Châteaux de Kyle Connaughton


  • 3 Michelin Stars 2024