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Discover all our Chefs
Relais & Châteaux Chef

Dominique Thevenet

Chef - Relais & Châteaux

Dominique Thevenet

Quintessence Hotel

Anguilla - Anguilla

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Chef Relais & Châteaux

How did you become a Chef?

I was born in France in a town called Lyon. My family consisted of bakers, grocers and pastry chefs. I knew nothing else but food and more. That is all we did.

How would you define your cuisine?

Living in the Caribbean for more than 30 years, I have grown to love the different flavors and scents it offers. I use local thyme, seasoned peppers and tomatoes, as well as fish, lobster, crayfish and meat. My cuisine mixes French and Caribbean flavor, bistro style.

What are your favorites products and criteria for choosing?

I like the local tomatoes when they are in season. I make lots of different dishes with tomatoes, for example homemade pizza sauce, tomato tart, tomato mozzarella salad and tomato soup. I also make my own ketchup. Some local people ask me to make ketchup for them.  I can go on and on giving you my different recipes using the local tomatoes.

What is your signature?

Sauce is my signature. I learned for many years how to make all types of sauces for steak, chicken, lobster, crayfish, fish, lamb — you name it, I know it. The sauce must go with the dish you make. It is the crème de la crème.

What professions surround you and what would you like to pass on to them?

I allow my staff to create my dishes with my guidance. I encourage them to always strive to do better. To me, there's no great chef without a great team.

Do you have a Chef’s tip for Sunday cooking?

To have different simple dishes with a bottle of wine and good friends.

Les restaurants Relais & Châteaux de Dominique Thevenet

JULIANS-A Tropical French Bistro

  • Bistrot