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Discover all our Chefs
Relais & Châteaux Chef

Cassidee Dabney

Chef - Relais & Châteaux

Cassidee Dabney

Blackberry Farm

Walland - United States

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Chef Relais & Châteaux

How did you become a Chef?

I grew up in a family that hunted and gardened. We had a very close, respectful relationship with food, where it came from, and the process of taking it from seed to plate. Being in the kitchen and around food was a constant in my life from a very young age, and I wanted to continue that in my career.

How would you define your cuisine?

Thoughtful and delicious. At Blackberry Farm, we cook very seasonally and with purpose. I want my dishes to show our guests what is happening, in real-time, in our garden and the land around us and connect them with the story and the life happening at the Farm.

What are your favorites products and criteria for choosing?

We are very fortunate to have a seed saving effort happening on the Farm which gives our kitchen access to delicious, heirloom produce. The Garden team introduces us to countless new items each year because of their seed saving and creates an opportunity to explore flavors with high quality, freshly grown ingredients. We also have very close relationships with local producers and growers that allow us to enjoy partnerships that support our commitment to sourcing locally.

What is your signature?

Our cuisine is a balance between foraged and cultivated, it tells the story of very specific times and places on our property. Our Foothills Cuisine® ties together haute cuisine with traditional influences from our region to share our history with an elegant and often unexpected presentation.

What professions surround you and what would you like to pass on to them?

I try to run my kitchen with passion and empathy. I work with such a talented team, and Blackberry Farm is a great place to foster creativity and growth. I create an environment for my team to work hard and stretch their skills while reminding themselves to recognize their talents and not get stuck comparing their skills to any other chef.  

Do you have a Chef’s tip for Sunday cooking?

Learn to roast a whole chicken. Try and fail as many times as you need to until you find the perfect recipe for you. Keep your meat moist, and use herbs, salt and pepper to create a simple but rich flavor.

Les restaurants Relais & Châteaux de Cassidee Dabney

The Barn at Blackberry Farm

  • Cooking classics