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Discover all our Chefs
Relais & Châteaux Chef

Aurelien Bulgheroni

Chef - Relais & Châteaux

Aurelien Bulgheroni

Secret Bay

Portsmouth - Dominica

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Chef Relais & Châteaux

Can you tell us a little bit about your personal background? 

From a young age, I had an insatiable desire to travel, experience different cultures, and explore new flavors through cooking. French cooks are in high demand across the globe, and I took the opportunity to visit and work in different countries to expand my culinary horizons.

Can you tell us a little bit about your culinary background? 

I began studying cooking at 16 in Menton, France, a town famous for its lemons. I gained invaluable experience through internships at prestigious Monaco restaurants like Café de Paris and the iconic Louis XV under the guidance of Michelin-starred chef Alain Ducasse.

After completing my training, I decided to travel and work internationally. I spent nearly a decade honing my skills at renowned restaurants across Montreal. My journey then took me to Australia for three years at the acclaimed One&Only Hayman Island luxury resort, where I cultivated my talent for creating enriching guest experiences through interactive dining.

I then had the chance to evolve as Executive Sous Chef at the famous St. Regis Bora Bora, one of the best hotels in the world at that time. After that, I became the Executive Chef of a hotel in Guadeloupe which, during my first year, became the only five-star hotel in the archipelago. Guests were delighted with our creations.

When the opportunity at the award-winning Secret Bay arose, with its outstanding reputation and guest acclaim, I didn't hesitate to embark on this new journey.

You have worked with a wide range of cuisines, is there a cuisine you feel most influences your style of cooking?

My cuisine has a Mediterranean influence, while highlighting local products. During my time in Guadeloupe, I became very familiar with Caribbean ingredients, incorporating the abundant local fruits, vegetables, and seafood into my dishes.

I like to introduce new flavors to customers and take them on a culinary journey through my gastronomy. Moving forward, I want to work with local farms to offer organic, seasonal items as well as feature locally caught fish - people are paying more attention to where their food comes from these days.

In addition to Mediterranean cuisine, I also enjoy cooking French, Italian, and Asian fusion styles. My goal is to create a unique dining experience by blending cultural influences.

What is one dish you feel represents your style of cooking best? 

One dish my customers have always loved in the Caribbean is lobster ravioli with a coconut, ginger, and fresh turmeric sauce. For lobster lovers, it’s a very successful dish due to its elegance and taste. 

What seasonal ingredient on the island are you looking forward to incorporating into your dishes?

I love using breadfruit, christophine, plantain, local squash, sweet potato, and exotic fruit, as well as a variety of different spices.

Where do you get inspiration for new dishes? 

I’m a very creative and positive person. My inspiration for each dish is certainly spontaneous and differs day to day.

What made you interested in joining the Secret Bay team?

I decided to join Secret Bay for a few key reasons. First, my interview with the owner Mr. Nassief, where he outlined the impressive plans for the property's future development. Then, after researching the hotel's very positive guest reviews and awards, I really wanted to be part of the team.

When I met with the management team, it felt like a well-run company focused on evolving and supporting employees' growth. I'm someone who enjoys new challenges and projects, so the Secret Bay opportunity really appealed to me.

What are you most looking forward to about living on the Nature Island?

I really enjoy nature, whether on land or at sea, and Dominica offers a great mix of both. The island has fantastic jungle hikes, beautiful waterfalls, impressive gorges, winding rivers, and relaxing hot springs. Its lovely beaches and diverse marine life also make it a paradise for nature lovers like me. The preservation of Dominica's natural beauty is impressive, and I really admire it.

Les restaurants Relais & Châteaux de Aurelien Bulgheroni