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Laura at Pt Leo Estate
Menu from US$ 186.01

Laura at Pt Leo Estate



Awaken all the senses


A getaway between land and sea

Experience Laura at Pt Leo Estate, a gem on the Mornington Peninsula where art, food and wine all come together. Stroll through the giant sculpture park, then head into the vineyards to discover the Australian way of life. Jolson Architecture’s design of the property was inspired by the winemaking process and is thought to guide your gaze from the rows of vines to the curved lines of the building before reaching the panoramic view of the ocean.

Pt. Leo Estate Vineyard
Pt. Leo Estate Vineyard Experience
Cellar Door
Pt. Leo Estate Wine Tasting
Pt. Leo Estate Pinot Gris
Pt. Leo Estate Reserve Chardonnay

Pt . Leo Estate Cellar Door

Our 50-acre vineyard stretches up the crest of Pt. Leo Estate and curve down towards the expanse of Western Port Bay. The vines respond to the constant forces of nature, its sunshine, rain, sweeping winds and cooling ocean breezes. Perhaps it is no surprise to us that each day is perfect and each wine has its place. Aromatic Pinot Gris speaks of the sun. Our elegant Chardonnay has benefited from cool nighttime breezes. Pinot Noir and Shiraz are perfect partners for a cool day overlooking the Bay. As the day comes to an end, enjoy a guided tasting session.

Pt. Leo Estate Sculpture Park
Pt. Leo Estate Sculpture Park
Pt. Leo Estate Sculpture Park
Laura - Jaume Plensa
Sculpture Park
Sculpture at Laura - Contemplation 2010

Sculpture Park

Our 19-acre Sculpture Park has been purpose-built to house an ever-evolving array of Australian and international pieces. There is no rhyme or reason behind the theming or selection of each piece other than this: they make us feel something special. But somehow, their size and scale fit perfectly into the open landscape. You are invited to slow down, take your time view sculptures framed by the vines, by the sea. Walk the grounds with friends & family, or with a glass of wine or just by yourself.