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Chewton Glen
(a partire da) US$ 646,64

Chewton Glen

Regno UnitoNew Milton

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10 ville in mezzo alla natura

Per programmare un viaggio esotico senza derogare alle regole del distanziamento sociale, Relais & Châteaux lancia la sua offerta di ville e case private, isolate ma con una vasta gamma di servizi. L’intimità e la convivialità di una “casa dolce casa” all’altro capo del mondo senza per questo rinun...
Per saperne di più


Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Concierge Our Top 10 Megan Lambert

Love in the Heart of Nature

Curl up in a cabin in the treetops or cuddle up under a warm quilt beneath starry, starry skies–Relais & Châteaux's more unusual accommodations are ideal for lovers of adventure and exploration and perfect for those in search of the most wildly romantic destinations.


Trophies 2024

Alongside partners who share our values, we are proud to recognize professionals throughout our network as recipients of Relais & Châteaux Trophies for 2024. These awards celebrate all those who are truly dedicated to their profession, inspiring passion in others across multiple disciplines.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Concierge Our Top 10 Anne-Marie Cattelain

Away from it all

Whether nestled in the depths of the old-growth forest or near the ocean waves along the shorelines, these ten locations all enjoy exceptional natural surroundings, and many are completely isolated, offering unique stays in cabins, huts and tents – and giving you a new angle on the world.


"It's actually about valuing everything"

With newfound gratitude after a year and a half unlike any other, Managing Director Andrew Stembridge of Chewton Glen in the UK reflects on the property’s evolution since its humble beginnings, putting emphasis on quality over quantity. This resilience gave Chewton Glen the strength to start anew.


PROGRAMMA FEDELTÀ: godetevi i vantaggi unici di Relais & Châteaux