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Herdade da Malhadinha Nova
(a partire da) US$ 333,58

Herdade da Malhadinha Nova


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21 idee per viaggiare meglio nel 2021

Frenati dal Covid 19 nei nostri slanci migratori e nelle nostre aspirazioni di essere altrove, oggi sogniamo di ripartire. Ma, misuriamo il valore di queste fughe e ci interroghiamo sul senso che diamo al viaggio prima di prendere il largo.
Per saperne di più


Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Cuisine Wine stories Sabine Bouvet Taja Harris

A Tale of Two Vineyards

In the north and south of Portugal are two wine estates: Quinta Nova is built on three centuries of history; Herdade da Malhadinha Nova is more than one hundred years old. Two contrasting terroirs; two distinct identities. Yet both are facing up to the challenges of climate change.


Personal Hideaway, Hospitality Included

As well as its 580 hotels and restaurants worldwide, Relais & Châteaux offers a meticulously-curated collection of 600 villas. Each blends the privacy and seclusion of a private home with access to all the services guests can expect from a hotel.


Saving Near-Extinct Foods Around the World

In the face of industrial agriculture and standardized diets, we need a Noah’s Ark of foods. One that protects the foods that make our cuisine so special: the ingredients that express the talents of our region. A treasure to carry forward for the future of our tastebuds and our countrysides.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Travel Be Inspired Anne-Marie Cattelain

21 Meaningful Travel Ideas for 2021

With our migratory impulses fettered, our longing for distant horizons shackled by Covid-19, travel is a frequent theme of our dreams. Getting away gains value by virtue of its not being within easy reach, we now consider a voyage’s deeper meaning before setting out in 2021.


PROGRAMMA FEDELTÀ: godetevi i vantaggi unici di Relais & Châteaux