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Il risveglio dei sensi

Un giardino primaverile ricco di colori e profumi? O una terrazza di fronte al mare, una villa permeata di odori iodati ? È tempo di scegliere lo scenario delle vostre prossime vacanze. In questo 2021 le parole “riposo”, “relax” e “staccare” abbondano ovunque. Nel 2021, i ricordi di viaggio migliori...
Per saperne di più


Villas by Relais & Châteaux: The New Art of Travel

Relais & Châteaux’s collection of villas encompasses every possible kind of location – countryside or seaside, desert or mountain, even city centers – and offers a new style of stay that allows guests to effortlessly blend work, leisure and family life.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Travel Travel journal Sabine Bouvet

10 Eco-Friendlier Ski Resorts

Around the world, ski resorts are working towards a more sustainable tourism and the preservation of their environment. Our properties at the foot of the slopes are also working in this direction. Find out how in our first sustainability report.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Concierge Our Top 10 Anne-Marie Cattelain

A Dozen Winter Wonderlands for the Holidays in Europe

Breathe in the icy air, ski, stroll amidst the drifts, unplug and steep yourself in the mountain atmosphere. Here are twelve warm, welcoming Relais & Châteaux properties in Europe’s peaks and valleys, offering sparkling winter days and nights.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Concierge Our Top 10 Ryoko Sekiguchi

Sensory Awakening

With the arrival of spring and the renewed hope of getting away, we invite you to listen to the whisperings of the wind, to open your eyes, to smell delicate perfumes. Stimulating our fragrance and flavor memory helps us discover the world in greater depth. All you need is to choose your setting...


PROGRAMMA FEDELTÀ: godetevi i vantaggi unici di Relais & Châteaux