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The Ranch at Rock Creek
(from) US$ 2,500

The Ranch at Rock Creek

United StatesMontanaPhilipsburg


Preserving the legendary West

Preserving the legendary West


Skiing with Relais & Châteaux: from Italy to the Rockies

Looking for a snowy paradise complete with freshly groomed slopes and a spa in the mountains in which to relax before enjoying wine and hot chocolate by the fire? Then get your skis on and hit the slopes in Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy or the Rockies. Relais & Châteaux offers all the joys of the mountains at both well-known and les...
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Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards 2018: 38 award-winning Relais & Châteaux in North America

The North American winners of the Condé Nast Traveler Readers Choice 2018 have just been revealed. Based on the feedback, ratings and experiences of 429,000 readers, the results highlight some of North America’s hotel gems. Among the winners to appear on the prestigious prize list are 38 Relais & Châteaux, including 22 in the...
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The World’s Most Luxurious Hotels 2018 according to Forbes Travel Guide

Forbes Travel Guide has just revealed its list of the world’s most luxurious hotels. Among the selection are 6 Relais & Châteaux. Based upon specific criteria, classification involves visits being made to the properties by undercover inspectors. The level of comfort, the activities on offer and the facilities at the properties are a...
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Ranches and estancias: Western experiences in the Americas

Relais & Châteaux welcomes you to a saloon or an estancia for a timeless experience! If you have a pioneering spirit and a love of horses, rodeos and westerns, get your leather boots and cowboy hat on, the experience starts here in Colorado, Texas or the Pampas!
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Skiing in the Rockies: a winter wonderland between the USA and Canada

In the heart of the American and Canadian Rockies, winter is set to offer a myriad of activities: downhill skiing, dog sledding, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, carriage rides and ice skating. In Montana, Colorado and Alberta, there’s something for everyone in this landscape of pine forests, frozen lakes, valleys and national parks. At our...
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Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Cuisine Savour Stéphane Méjanès

The Art of Cooking Over an Open fire

Cooking over an open fire is as old as humanity’s mastery of fire itself, dating back some 400,000 years. Each region of the world – and indeed nearly every country – has its own tradition and its own distinctive name for it. Time to travel from braai to churrasco and from bulgogi to binchotan.


Art of the Wedding: 7 ways to live out your romantic fantasies

With 2022 poised to be the year of the wedding, as couples finally feel free to plan the celebrations of their dreams, the newly published Art of the Wedding by Relais & Châteaux (Rizzoli) provides irresistible inspiration while showcasing the most coveted wedding locations in North America.


5 Glamping Spots in North America

From a remote lodge on Vancouver Island to a former Rockefeller estate in the Adirondacks, these five properties offer guests the chance to commune with nature.