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Dunton Hot Springs
(from) US$ 1,165

Dunton Hot Springs

United StatesColoradoDolores


Awaken all the senses

Cross-country skiing and downhill skiing

Starting at the Dunton Hot Springs estate, several cross-country ski slopes snake off into the surrounding mountains. It's not unusual to discover traces left by wild animals as you ski at your own pace on the pristine snow. Downhill skiing is also one of the best ways to discover Colorado. Lost among the tall pines of the San Juan Mountains and shrouded in silence, embark on a voyage of discovery.

The legend of the American West

In the heart of the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Dunton Hot Springs will transport you to the prosperous Gold Rush era. The hand-built wooden log cabins have been restored. The Saloon, with its hardwood period bar, has retained many of its original materials. The lanterns lining the pathways, the Western-style posters displayed on the walls, and the unobstructed view of the San Juan Mountains provide the finishing touches to an authentic Far West experience. Butch Cassidy himself would be right at home strolling through the Saloon door.

Hot springs

Imagine a dazzling white blanket covering the mountains and the roofs of the wooden chalets. As the day draws to a close, you slip off your snowshoes or skis. Tucked away in the middle of the snow, a natural hot spring releases plumes of steam. You immerse yourself slowly into the water.. In the river or even directly from its Well House chalet, Dunton Hot Springs offers no fewer than six ways to enjoy the benefits of the waters.

Fly Fishing

With your hat firmly on your head and your senses alert, why not work on perfecting your cast? On the Dolores River with only stags, moose, and coyotes for company, a teacher will show you how to cast like a pro. The West Fork of the Dolores River is recognised by many guides as one of the best places for fly-fishing in North America.

Main Gallery 32

Mountain biking in Colorado

Colorado is a popular destination for mountain biking enthusiasts due to the many routes to explore, especially around Dunton Hot Springs. We’ll take you on technical trails that cross the most beautiful landscapes in the region, whether it's along the ridge road, through the heart of the forests, or on the edge of the canyons. The most expert among you will be able to dare the dizzying ascent to the top of the Winter Trail, Stoner Mesa or Mount Johnny Bull, before coming back down into the valley to enjoy the beneficial effects of a bath in our hot springs.