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Auberge du Soleil
(from) US$ 1,025

Auberge du Soleil

United StatesCaliforniaRutherford


Awaken all the senses


Outdoor Sculpture Garden

I’m a firm believer that the true connoisseur’s appreciation should include not only fine food, wine and hospitality, but also fine art – for which the Napa Valley is likewise renowned. At Auberge du Soleil, all these elements have been brought together in equal balance, to inspire all the senses. The Ærena Sculpture Garden is a marvelous blend of landscaping and artistic design, with sculptures thoughtfully situated throughout the property to harmoniously coexist with the olive trees which provide a lush backdrop for nearly 100 incredible works.

Health and Wellness

Auberge du Soleil is not only a destination for relaxing and recharging, but also for celebrating and enjoying life. We have taken our inspiration from nature to create unique opportunities for guests to live well while restoring some balance to their lives. We provide a range of options that allow our guests to make health and wellness a priority – from our purification ritual, to our highly personalized services, to our botanical-based spa products - The Spa at Auberge du Soleil embraces a nurturing philosophy that promotes rejuvenation and healing. The spa is reserved exclusively for guests of the hotel.

Molly Flora - Spa Manager
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Auberge du Soleil offers a variety of complimentary classes featuring popular yoga styles including Hatha, Hatha Flow, Vinyasa Flow and Mindful Vinyasa. Classes are offered in La Pagode, a tranquil Japanese ryokan-inspired pavilion secluded within the property’s expansive outdoor sculpture garden. Customized private sessions may also be arranged within the award-winning The Spa at Auberge du Soleil where an exclusive Couple's Spa Suite with panoramic views of Napa Valley provides an idyllic backdrop for yoga, mediation and luxurious couples spa services.

Inspired cuisine and Stunning Sunsets

Tables on our famous Restaurant terrace are some of the best and most sought-after in Napa Valley, where one can take in panoramic views of the neighboring vineyards and stunning sunsets while enjoying Chef Robert Curry’s Mediterranean- inspired cuisine. All paired with the finest locally- and globally-sourced wines from our extensive cellar.

Bradley Reynolds - General manager