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The Bath Priory
(from) US$ 192.90

The Bath Priory

United KingdomBath


Awaken all the senses

Bridgerton Walking tour

A guided tour of Bath

Originally a spa town founded by the Romans, Bath was later the center of the wool industry in the Middle Ages, then an architectural jewel of the Georgian era, and most recently the setting for the series Bridgerton. One of the best ways to explore the many facets of this UNESCO World Heritage city is in the company of an experienced local guide, who will share stories of the city’s most beautiful locations, from the Abbey to the Pump Rooms and the picturesque Pulteney Bridge.

Celebrating 30 years of The Bath Priory

Since Andrew and Christina Brownsword acquired the hotel in 1994, their passion for hospitality has only grown stronger. Discover the exclusive gourmet offers they have created for the occasion: a gourmet menu and vintage wine pairing specially created by the chef, and two new cocktails, made from the owners' favorite ingredients. Even a glass of champagne is included in the afternoon tea!

Award-winning gardens

Hidden away, yet so close to the city centre, four acres of gardens wrap themselves around the hotel including a kitchen garden, meadows and lawns with private nooks for relaxing. Lovingly tended by Jane Moore, a Chelsea Flower Show Silver Medalist, every season is a celebration of colour.

The Garden Spa by L’OCCITANE

The first spa by L’OCCITANE in the UK, The Garden Spa is a sanctuary of tranquillity to refresh your senses. This award-winning spa has a selection of luxurious treatments, an indoor pool, pool-side sauna, elliptical steam pod and shower. 

Events Diary

Join us throughout the year for a unique calendar of events set to a backdrop of award-winning food and a home-from-home country house atmosphere. From garden tours and lunch with our Head Gardener to wine dinners and masterclasses from Farrow & Ball.