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Wild Coast Tented Lodge
(from) US$ 984.57

Wild Coast Tented Lodge

Sri LankaYala


Awaken all the senses

Guided Wilderness Experiences

The Wild Coast Tented Lodge offers discerning guests a collection of guided, curated, and narrative-based wilderness experiences. Our team of rangers are qualified, passionate, and eager to share and interpret the riches of the surrounding National Parks’ biodiversity with nature-loving guests. Through them we showcase the entire spectrum of nature – while leopards play a leading role in our theatre of the wild, they are not the only actor on our stage – from our geology, botanical diversity, critters, mammals, birds and reptiles.

Game Drives

Game Drives

The ranger team’s guiding style is to interpret all aspects of the wild, paying attention to the entire spectrum of nature from tiniest of critters, plant species, birds, reptiles and amphibians, to the larger and charismatic mammals such as elephants, bear, and leopard. Each day, our team of rangers will consult with guests and advise which sectors of Yala, Lunugamvehera and Bundala national parks would be best to visit.


Nature Walks

Wild Coast Lodge enjoys an unfenced border with the Yala National Park, so elephants roam freely through our lodge. A guided nature walk allows guests to explore the wildlife in and around WCL in the company of a WCL ranger, who will point out visible animals (birds, wild boar, amphibians and reptiles etc.) as well as identify and interpret tracks of animals that have traversed our property recently. A great experience for kids as well.

Birding Experience in Bundala National Park

Exclusive “Birding” Experience, Jungle High Tea, Visits to Historic Sites

On our exclusive birding-focused game drive, your ranger will provide an interesting narrative by guiding you on the individual species that are visible as well as an overview of how individual birds are identified, about behavioral and migration patterns, and also give a description of the wetland ecosystem as a unique and important habitat.
For a dash of wilderness indulgence, “Jungle High Tea” is a one of a kind dining experience! Mid way through your game drive, stop for a beautifully laid out high-tea at a scenic location for a bit of gastronomic indulgence!
Our rangers go beyond game drives. Steeped in the jungles of our surrounding national parks are remnants of civilisations past, and ancient jungle monasteries, archaeological sites and places of worship that date back to mythical eras of the gods. We arrange guided excursions to these sites.


Cook your Sri Lankan lunch

A great break from wildlife and safari! The Wild Coast Lodge version of the Sri Lankan cookery class – a more hands-on introduction to Sri Lankan food. Guests get to mix their own spices, season their ingredients and cook their own lunch, under the watchful eye and instruction of Chef Ranil. The experience is not a typical “demo” but an interactive learning on how to make some of our favourite and most popular dishes.
However, it is safe to say that guest ability behind the stove will not obstruct an exquisite Sri Lankan “rice & curry” lunch from being presented to guests.

Unusual suites in the heart of the vegetation

Veritable cocoons set along the ocean shore and surrounded by lush vegetation, the rooms of the Wild Coast display a truly unusual architecture. Vaulted ceilings, colonial style, copper bathtubs and four-post beds go hand in hand with teak floors, cream-colored stretched canvas walls and the presence of leather which, here and there, gives the whole a delicately chic touch.