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A Quinta da Auga Hotel & Spa
(from) US$ 234.34

A Quinta da Auga Hotel & Spa

SpainSantiago de Compostela


Awaken all the senses

Catedral de Santiago de Compostela

Santiago de Compostela, an authentic journey

Luisa Lorenzo

A World Heritage Site since 1985, Santiago de Compostela has attracted visitors and pilgrims from around the world for centuries. It is the final destination of a thousand-year old pilgrim route - the Camino de Santiago - a place of Western faith and thought. Its monumental beauty and extraordinary state of conservation have turned it into an eternal city unlike any other. Always full of life, Santiago is known for its hospitality; its Cathedral, the cobbled streets that lead to its many plazas, La Alameda and the Mercado de Abastos, a market full of our fresh produce, are just some of the must-see attractions during this authentic journey.


Luisa Lorenzo - Maître de Maison
Castros de Baroña

Sail around our estuaries

One sound in Galicia never stops: the sea crashing against the rocks. Tide after tide, our coastline has been formed giving rise to wild, infinite, sandy beaches that are ideal for walking on and practicing water sports. The natural, scenic landscape of our estuaries, which are highly unique, surrounds old medieval houses where you can still witness the genuine fishing and sailing traditions of the past. Sailing through its waters and enjoying its delicious food and wine become an essential experience to enjoy a dream journey through our region.

José Ramón Lorenzo Creo - Owner
Ribera Sacra

Food, nature and wine

In Galicia, food and wine go hand in hand in a range of sensations that must be discovered. Renowned around the world for the quality of its produce: seafood, meat, vegetables and pulses, there is no need artifice to surprise even the most demanding palates. Wine is another of our great treasures. With five different designations of origin, our region is the ideal destination to enjoy an adventure visiting bodegas, centuries-old oak forests and ancient vineyards that date back to the Roman Empire. Discovering every part of the river Miño, its spectacular waterfalls, through an incredible nautical route where you can enjoy a tasting, accompanied by a delicious aperitive, and a visit to the greatest concentration of Roman monuments in Europe and, without a doubt, an unforgettable experience.

Luisa García Gil - Owner and Architect